Breaking New Ground
Archaeology in the Middle East and the Balkans rarely focuses on the recent past; as a result, archaeologists have largely ignored the material remains of the Ottoman Empire. Drawing on a wide variety of case studies and essays, this volume documents the emerging field of Ottoman archaeology and the relationship of this new field to anthropological, classical, and historical archaeology as well as Ottoman studies.
The Future of the Ottoman Past.- From Archaeology to a History from Below.- Agriculture and Rural Settlement in Ottoman Crete, 16691898.- The Archaeology of Ottoman Ti'innik.- Dendrochronologically Dated Ottoman Monuments.- Entangled Objects from the Palestinian Past.- Toward an Archaeology of Non-Elite Consumption in Late Ottoman Anatolia.- Trade, Subsistence, and Ideology in the Ottoman Empire.- The Sadana Island Shipwreck.- Daily Life in the Shadow of Empire.- Transformations, Readings, and Visions of the Ottoman Mosque.- Prospects.- Sultans, Merchants, and Minorities.- Diverse Approaches to the Ottoman Past.
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