Leaders from the 1960s

Leaders from the 1960s

Fester Einband
A Biographical Sourcebook of American Activism
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DAVID De LEON is Associate Professor of History at Howard University.

The throngs at Woodstock, Jane Fonda in Hanoi, I Have a Dream, burning draft cards, fire in the streets--these images of the 1960s are still very much alive today. What happened to the people and principles that dominated that decade? Which leaders from those turbulent years had the most lasting effect on our lives today? How well have the principles for which those leaders fought so strongly withstood the test of time? This thought-provoking biographical dictionary allows the reader to study the leaders, both conservative and liberal, their ideals, and their enduring influence.

With major sections on racial democracy, peace and freedom, sexuality and gender, the environment, radical culture, and visions of alternative societies, Leaders from the 1960s includes entries on a wide selection of nationally prominent activists of the 1960s. In addition to those who dominated only the sixties, the volume includes earlier activists who came into prominence in the 1960s and activists of the era who came into prominence since the 1960s. Each entry provides a biographical sketch, but the focus of the entries is on the person's basic concepts or the essence of his or her work and the public response it generated. Included are extensive bibliographies on the individuals and the period.

Provides information on US activists of the 1960s and their continued activities into the 1990s. Biographies are divided into sections, covering racial democracy, peace and freedom, sexuality and gender, the environment, radical culture, and visions of alternative societies.

Preface Introduction Racial Democracy Dennis Banks by Raymond Wilson Imamu Amiri Baraka [Leroi Jones] by Alan Spears Vernon Bellecourt by Rolland Dewing Mary Frances Berry by Genna Rae McNeil Julian Bond by Peter B. Levy H. Rap Brown [Jamil Adullah Al-Amin] by Maceo Dailey, Jr. César Chávez by John C. Hammerback and Richard J. Jensen Shirley Chisholm by Debra Newman Ham Eldridge Cleaver by Kenneth O'Reilly Vine Deloria, Jr. by Clifford M. Lytle, Jr. James Farmer by Paula F. Pfeffer Louis Farrakhan by Lawrence H. Mamiya James Forman by Glenn Perusek José Angel Gutiérrez by Richard J. Jensen and John C. Hammerback Fannie Lou Hamer by Kay Mills Martin Luther King, Jr. by Ralph E. Luker Russell Means by Raymond Wilson Robert Parris Moses by Eric Burner Leonard Peltier by L. G. Moses Bayard Rustin by Donald Roe Bobby Seale by Rev. Cecil Gray Reies Lopéz Tijerina by John C. Hammerback and Richard J. Jensen Malcolm X [El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz] by David DeLeon Peace and Freedom Philip Berrigan by Anne Klejment Rev. William Sloane Coffin, Jr. by Milton S. Katz Ron Kovic by John Kultgen Staughton Lynd by Glen Perusek David McReynolds by Larry Gara Mark Rudd by W. J. Rorabaugh Mario Savio by W. J. Rorabaugh Dr. Benjamin Spock by William Graebner Sexuality and Gender: Liberation from Stereotypes Bella Abzug by Susan M. Hartman Ti-Grace Atkinson by Beatrice K. Reynolds Betty Friedan by Frances Arick Kolb Frank Kameny by David K. Johnson Del Martin/Phyllis Lyon by Kate Brandt William H. Masters/Virginia E. Johnson by Sara Alpern Eleanor Holmes Norton by Lillian Williams Gloria Steinem by Frances Arick Kolb For a Safe Environment Edward Abbey by Kingsley Widmer Murray Bookchin by John Clark Lester Brown by Sean M. Enright Barry Commoner by Charles T. Rubin Paul Ehrlich by Kathryn Wald Hausbeck Denis Hayes by W. J. Rorabaugh Ralph Nader by Jennifer Scarlott Radical Culture Joan Baez by Ronald D. Cohen Peter Collier/David Horowitz by Thomas R. West Bob Dylan by Ronald D. Cohen Jane Fonda by Regina Akers H. Bruce Franklin by W. J. Rorabaugh Allen Ginsberg by Linda Hamalian Dick Gregory by Thomas Joseph Davis John Holt by Susan Douglas Franzosa Irving Howe by Alan Wald Maulana Ron Karenga by Waldo E. Martin, Jr. Ken Kesey by Stephen L. Tanner Jonathan Kozol by Peter Andre Sola Julius Lester by Priscilla Ramsey Country Joe McDonald by David Pichaske Phil Ochs by David Pichaske Kenneth Rexroth by Geoffrey Gardner Jerry Rubin by Leslie Fishbein Pete Seeger by Robbie Lieberman John Alexander Sinclair by William Graebner Gore Vidal by Kingsley Widmer Visions of Alternative Societies Heather Booth by Ann Withorn Noam Chomsky by Carlos P. Otero Angela Davis by Sylvia Bennett Hill Dorothy Day by Mel Piehl Ronald V. Dellums by Robert C. Smith Paul Goodman by Taylor Stoehr Michael Harrington by Gary Dorrien Tom Hayden by Thomas R. Maddux Dorothy Healey by Maurice Isserman Jesse Jackson by Russell L. Adams C. L. R. James by Kent Worcester Margaret (Maggie) Kuhn by W. Andrew Achenbaum William Moses Kunstler by John Wildeman Sidney Lens by Edward K. Spann Herbert Marcuse by Douglas Kellner I. F. Stone by Robert Cottrell James Weinstein by Sally Miller

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