Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900)

Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900)

Fester Einband
Economy and Society
Allgemeines & Lexika
Springer US
Anzahl Seiten:

Nietzsche Economy and Society: The Closed and the Open Questions a b Jürgen G. Backhaus and Wolfgang Drechsler a University of Erfurt, Germany b Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia Nietzsche's impact and in?uence anywhere in and on our civilization was and is immense. This has by now been widely recognized in almost all areas, even in the hard sciences (see Babich 1999), but Nietzsche is still completely understudied in the ?eld of economics. This is all the more surprising because in?uence paths, both serious (e. g. , Joseph A. Schumpeter) and pop ones (e. g. , Ayn Rand), seem obvious, and because in some of his works, especially M- schliches, Allzumenschliches (1878-1886), a focus on economics is hard to miss. It would thus be only likely that he had some sort of signi?cant in?uence there; yet, one can ?nd hardly any references in the Nietzsche or economics 1 literature on what kind of in?uence that might have been or still is. To remedy this situation, the idea to plan an exploratory conference on Nietzsche and Economics arose. Because of the dif?cult and indeed unusual topic, we found it necessary to even start with a pre-conference, where the issues, questions, sources and possible approaches would be discussed. This pre-conference took place in Heilbronn, in the framework of the Heilbronn Symposia on Economics and the Social Sciences, in June 2000.

The first English-language volume to trace Nietzsche's influence on economics and the social sciences Includes supplementary material:

Until now, Friedrich Nietzsche's influence on the development of modern social sciences has not been well documented. This volume reconsiders some of Nietzsche's writings on economics and the science of state and in doing so pioneers a line of research not previously available in English. Here, twelve scholars consider Nietzsche's historical and contemporary relevance, which has ranged from the highly serious (Schumpeter writings on creative destruction) to the pop cultural (the early works of Ayn Rand). Several papers present strong evidence of Nietzsche as an influencer of modern economists; others see him more as an influencer of influencers; and one sees little influence at all. Most of the contributions refer extensively to works previous unpublished (or poorly translated) in English. The editors do not intend to present a thorough overview or definitive description of Nietzsche's place in economics. Rather, they hope to initiate conversations and research that explore the role this much misunderstood philosopher/cultural critic may have played, or perhaps should play, in the history of economic thought.

Friedrich Nietzsche and Economics: Research Problems.- The Influence of Nietzsche on the History of Economic Thought.- Nietzsche and Economics.- Creative Destruction in Economics: Nietzsche, Sombart, Schumpeter.- The Word of Honour.- An All too Human Question: Nietzsche, Die Soziale Frage, and the German Historical School of Economics.- Nietzsche and Business Ethics.- On the Anticipation of Knightian Uncertainty in Nietzsche's Genealogy of Morals.- On the Nietzsche-Reception in the GDR.- Wolfgang Harich and Friedrich Nietzsche A Chapter of the East German Nietzsche Debate.- Justice and Economy from Human, All Too Human to Thus Spake Zarathustra.- Democracy and Aristocracy in Nietzsche's Late Writings. sucht jetzt für Sie die besten Angebote ...


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