Kartonierter Einband
Twice There Was a Country
Cambridge University Press
Yugoslavia as History, first published in 2000, examines the tragedy of the former Yugoslavia in the full light of its history. This edition of Lampe's accessible and authoritative history devotes a new chapter to the ethnic wars in Croatia, Bosnia, and Kosovo which followed the dissolution of Yugoslavia.
1. Empires and fragmented borderlands, 800-1800; 2. Unifying aspirations and rural resistance, 1804-1903; 3. New divisions, Yugoslav ties and Balkan wars, 1903-14; 4. The First World War and the first Yugoslavia, 1914-21; 5. Parliamentary kingdom, 1921-8; 6. Authoritarian kingdom, 1929-41; 7. World war and civil war, 1941-5; 8. Founding the second Yugoslavia; 9. Tito's Yugoslavia ascending, 1954-67; 10. Tito's Yugoslavia descending, 1967-88; 11. Ethnic politics and the end of Yugoslavia; 12. Ethnic wars and successor states.
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