Jews and Other Foreigners

Jews and Other Foreigners

Fester Einband
Manchester and the Rescue of the Victims of European Fascism, 1933-40
Bill Williams
Manchester University Press
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Informationen zum Autor Bill Williams is an Honorary Fellow of the Centre for Jewish Studies, University of Manchester Klappentext Between 1933 and 1940, Manchester accepted almost eight thousand refugees from Fascist Europe. Among these were Jewish academics expelled from universities across Germany, Austria, Spain and Italy. Around two hundred were children from the Basque country, temporarily evacuated to Britain in 1937, as the fighting of the Spanish Civil War neared their home towns. Most were refugees fleeing Nazi persecution in Germany, Austria and Czechoslovakia. 95% of the refugees from Nazism were Jews threatened by the increasingly violent anti-Semitism of the Nazi regime. The rest were Communists, Social Democrats, Pacifists, Liberals, Confessional Christians and Sudeten Germans.Several valuable studies have been written on the response of the British government to the refugee crisis. Yet this study is the first to assess the responses of a single city, Manchester, which had long cultivated an image of itself as a 'liberal city'. Using documentary and oral sources, including interviews with Manchester refugees, 'Jews and other foreigners' explores the work of those sectors of local society which took part in rescue work, including industrialists from the Manchester region, pacifist bodies, the University of Manchester, secondary schools in and around Manchester, Jewish communal organisations, the Society of Friends, the Rotarians and the Roman Catholic Church. It considers the reasons for their choices to help, and assesses their degree of success, as well as the forces which limited their effectiveness.Though 'Jews and other foreigners' will appeal to a broad readership, it will be of particular interest to those studying the role of philanthropy and the Christian churches in Manchester society, the role of Zionism during the Second World War, the history of the British Jewish community, Britain's attitudes to immigrants and refugees and issues surrounding the settlement and acculturation of newcomers to British society. Zusammenfassung Drawing on a wide range documentary and oral sources! including interviews with refugees! this book explores the responses in Manchester to those threatened by the rise of Fascism in Europe. -- . Inhaltsverzeichnis Preface1. Introduction: Jewish refugees in Manchester2. 'Speak no evil': Manchester Jewry and refugees, 1933-373. 'Displaced scholars': Refugees at the University of Manchester4. Refugees and Eccles cakes: Refugee industrialists in the Manchester region5. 'Something ought to be done': Manchester Quakers and refugees, 1933-376. 'The forgotten refugees': Manchester and the Basque children of 19377. 'The work of succouring refugees is going forward': The Manchester Jewish Refugees Committee 1939-408. 'Serious concern': The Manchester Quakers and refugees, 1938-409. 'Our remaining comrades in Czechoslovakia: The Manchester branch of the KPD10. 'Not because they are Jews': The Catholic Church in Salford and refugees11. 'Inspired idealism': Rabbi Dr. Solomon Schonfeld and Manchester12. 'The Harris House girls': Girls from the kindertransporte in Southport13. 'A haven of safety': Refugees and the Manchester women's lodge of B'nai Brith14. 'Outposts of Jewish Palestine': Young Zionist refugees in Manchester15. 'The most difficult boys to handle': Refugees at the Stockport hostel, 1939-4016. 'By the grace of the almighty': Refugees and the Manchester yeshiva17. 'From slavery and persecution to freedom and kindness': Refugees at the Manchester Home for the Jewish Aged18. 'Bright young refugees': Refugees and schools in the Manchester region19. 'Humanitarianism of the greatest value': Manchester Rotarians and refugees20. The saved and the trapped: Refugees and those they left behind21. 'The Dutch orphans': War refugees in Manchester22. Pacifism and rescue: The case of Lionel Cowan23. Conclusion:...

Bill Williams is an Honorary Fellow of the Centre for Jewish Studies, University of Manchester

Between 1933 and 1940, Manchester accepted almost eight thousand refugees from Fascist Europe. Among these were Jewish academics expelled from universities across Germany, Austria, Spain and Italy. Around two hundred were children from the Basque country, temporarily evacuated to Britain in 1937, as the fighting of the Spanish Civil War neared their home towns. Most were refugees fleeing Nazi persecution in Germany, Austria and Czechoslovakia. 95% of the refugees from Nazism were Jews threatened by the increasingly violent anti-Semitism of the Nazi regime. The rest were Communists, Social Democrats, Pacifists, Liberals, Confessional Christians and Sudeten Germans. Several valuable studies have been written on the response of the British government to the refugee crisis. Yet this study is the first to assess the responses of a single city, Manchester, which had long cultivated an image of itself as a 'liberal city'. Using documentary and oral sources, including interviews with Manchester refugees, 'Jews and other foreigners' explores the work of those sectors of local society which took part in rescue work, including industrialists from the Manchester region, pacifist bodies, the University of Manchester, secondary schools in and around Manchester, Jewish communal organisations, the Society of Friends, the Rotarians and the Roman Catholic Church. It considers the reasons for their choices to help, and assesses their degree of success, as well as the forces which limited their effectiveness. Though 'Jews and other foreigners' will appeal to a broad readership, it will be of particular interest to those studying the role of philanthropy and the Christian churches in Manchester society, the role of Zionism during the Second World War, the history of the British Jewish community, Britain's attitudes to immigrants and refugees and issues surrounding the settlement and acculturation of newcomers to British society.

Drawing on a wide range documentary and oral sources, including interviews with refugees, this book explores the responses in Manchester to those threatened by the rise of Fascism in Europe. -- .

Preface 1. Introduction: Jewish refugees in Manchester 2. 'Speak no evil': Manchester Jewry and refugees, 1933-37 3. 'Displaced scholars': Refugees at the University of Manchester 4. Refugees and Eccles cakes: Refugee industrialists in the Manchester region 5. 'Something ought to be done': Manchester Quakers and refugees, 1933-37 6. 'The forgotten refugees': Manchester and the Basque children of 1937 7. 'The work of succouring refugees is going forward': The Manchester Jewish Refugees Committee 1939-40 8. 'Serious concern': The Manchester Quakers and refugees, 1938-40 9. 'Our remaining comrades in Czechoslovakia: The Manchester branch of the KPD 10. 'Not because they are Jews': The Catholic Church in Salford and refugees 11. 'Inspired idealism': Rabbi Dr. Solomon Schonfeld and Manchester 12. 'The Harris House girls': Girls from the kindertransporte in Southport 13. 'A haven of safety': Refugees and the Manchester women's lodge of B'nai Brith 14. 'Outposts of Jewish Palestine': Young Zionist refugees in Manchester 15. 'The most difficult boys to handle': Refugees at the Stockport hostel, 1939-40 16. 'By the grace of the almighty': Refugees and the Manchester yeshiva 17. 'From slavery and persecution to freedom and kindness': Refugees at the Manchester Home for the Jewish Aged 18. 'Bright young refugees': Refugees and schools in the Manchester region 19. 'Humanitarianism of the greatest value': Manchester Rotarians and refugees 20. The saved and the trapped: Refugees and those they left behind 21. 'The Dutch orphans': War refugees in Manchester 22. Pacifism and rescue: The case of Lionel Cowan 23. Conclusion: The victims of fascism and the liberal city Bibliography Index sucht jetzt für Sie die besten Angebote ...


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