Her Hidden Children

Her Hidden Children

Kartonierter Einband
The Rise of Wicca and Paganism in America
Chas S. Clifton
Altamira Press
Anzahl Seiten:

Informationen zum Autor By Chas S. Clifton Klappentext The history of any religious movement can get murky. But the history of American Paganism-with so many invented lineages, so many solitary practitioners, so much resistance to staid definition, so much hiddenness-is especially hard to decipher. But here in Her Hidden Children Chas Clifton tells many never-before-told stories of the origins of Paganism and Wicca in the United States. The people, publications, and organizations that allowed Paganism and Wicca to set roots down in American soil and become "nature religion" are revealed in delicious detail. With a timeline, glossary, and photos of important figures,Her Hidden Children is compelling and important for any student of Paganism or American Religion. Zusammenfassung A history of wicca and neopaganism in the United States focusing on the post-WW II period. Inhaltsverzeichnis Chapter 1 Preface Chapter 2 Introduction Chapter 3 How the Ravens Came to the Lake: Wicca's Birth and Atlantic Passage Chapter 4 Calling It 'Nature Religion' Chapter 5 The Rhetoric of Wicca Chapter 6 The Playboy and the Witch: Wicca and Popular Culture Chapter 7 West Coast Wicca, Self-Invention, and the "Gardnerian Magnet" Chapter 8 A Search for Paradise: Other New Pagan Religions Chapter 9 Final Thoughts

By Chas S. Clifton

The history of any religious movement can get murky. But the history of American Paganism-with so many invented lineages, so many solitary practitioners, so much resistance to staid definition, so much hiddenness-is especially hard to decipher. But here in Her Hidden Children Chas Clifton tells many never-before-told stories of the origins of Paganism and Wicca in the United States. The people, publications, and organizations that allowed Paganism and Wicca to set roots down in American soil and become "nature religion" are revealed in delicious detail. With a timeline, glossary, and photos of important figures,Her Hidden Children is compelling and important for any student of Paganism or American Religion.

A history of wicca and neopaganism in the United States focusing on the post-WW II period.

Chapter 1 Preface Chapter 2 Introduction Chapter 3 How the Ravens Came to the Lake: Wicca's Birth and Atlantic Passage Chapter 4 Calling It 'Nature Religion' Chapter 5 The Rhetoric of Wicca Chapter 6 The Playboy and the Witch: Wicca and Popular Culture Chapter 7 West Coast Wicca, Self-Invention, and the "Gardnerian Magnet" Chapter 8 A Search for Paradise: Other New Pagan Religions Chapter 9 Final Thoughts

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