Observing Meteors, Comets, Supernovae and other Transient Phenomena

Observing Meteors, Comets, Supernovae and other Transient Phenomena

Kartonierter Einband
The Patrick Moore Practical Astronomy Series
Neil Bone
Springer London
Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1999
Anzahl Seiten:

Deals with unpredictable events (like, comets and supernovae). Deals also with partly-predictable events (like meteors). Provides the amateur astronomer with a perfect introduction that will give him the best chance of seeing such transient phenomena for himself. Competitively priced in the Practical Astronomy series.

Transient phenomena are short-lived astronomical events, unusual in a science in which time is more often measured in millennia than milliseconds. There is a fascination with transient phenomena, predictable or otherwise, that astronomers of all abilities share. In Meteors, Comets, Supernovae, Neil Bone gives guidelines for observers, including the best possible periods (months or years) to see seasonal but unpredictable phenomena like meteors and sunspots. Recording such outbursts involves visual observing techniques, photography, and even the relatively new field of the video recording of meteors, which are also examined in detail. The book also includes material about phenomena that occur in the lower atmosphere (such as "ozone eaters", nacreous clouds, solar and lunar haloes), which although not strictly astronomical in their nature attract the attention of dedicated sky-watchers.

"OBSERVING METEORS, COMETS, SUPERNOVAE is a practical guide for any amateur astronomer and is highly recommended."

1 Introduction.- 2 Meteors.- 2.1 The Leonids: A Storm Coming?.- 2.2 The Perseids: The Unexpected Rise of Old Faithful.- 2.3 Other Showers in Outburst.- 2.4 Fireballs.- 3 Aurorae and other Atmospheric Phenomena.- 3.1 Auroral Storms.- 3.2 Noctilucent Clouds.- 3.3 Synthetic Atmospheric Phenomena.- 4 The Sun.- 4.1 Observing the Sun in White Light.- 4.2 Monochromatic-light Observations: The Sun in Hydrogen-alpha.- 4.3 Solar Eclipses.- 5 The Moon.- 5.1 Transient Lunar Phenomena.- 5.2 Lunar Occultations.- 5.3 Lunar Eclipses.- 6 The Planets.- 6.1 Venus.- 6.2 Mars.- 6.3 Jupiter.- 6.4 Saturn.- 6.5 Planetary Occultations.- 7 Small Bodies of the Solar System.- 7.1 Asteroids.- 7.2 The Galilean Satellites of Jupiter.- 7.3 Saturn's Satellites.- 8 Comets.- 8.1 The Nature and Origin of Comets.- 8.2 Comet Discoveries.- 8.3 Observing Comets.- 8.4 Comets in Outburst.- 8.5 Ion-tail Disconnections.- 8.6 The Great Comets of 1996 and 1997.- 9 Variable Stars.- 9.1 Eclipsing Binaries.- 9.2 Cataclysmic Variables.- 9.3 Recurrent Novae.- 9.4 R Coronae Borealis Stars.- 10 Novae and Supernovae.- 10.1 Novae.- 10.2 Supernovae.- 11 Information Sources.- 11.1 Atlases.- 11.2 Catalogues.- 11.3 Ephemerides, Annual Handbooks and News Sources.- 11.4 Software.- 11.5 The Internet.

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