The TRANSMED Atlas. The Mediterranean Region from Crust to Mantle

The TRANSMED Atlas. The Mediterranean Region from Crust to Mantle

Set mit div. Artikeln (Set)
Geological and Geophysical Framework of the Mediterranean and the Surrounding Areas
Springer, Berlin
Anzahl Seiten:

The TRANSMED Atlas, a CD-ROM-and-book package, provides an unprecedented overview of the geological and geophysical characteristics of the Mediterranean region. By integrating new and pre-existing data on surface geology, seismic profiles and mantle tomography (on land and at sea), it combines the efforts of sixty-two structural geologists, geophysicists, marine geologists, petrologists, sedimentologists, stratigraphers, paleo-geographers and petroleum geologists coming from eighteen countries and working for the petroleum industry, academia and other private and public institutions. The CD-ROM includes sixteen lithospheric transects across the Mediterranean region and adjacent areas. Each transect includes explanatory text with figures plus a series of clickable insets (seismic lines, well logs, litho-chrono-stratigraphic charts, paleo-geographic reconstructions, detailed maps, etc.) providing data in support of the interpretation shown in the transects.

Compilation of geophysical, petrological and geological data of the entire Mediterranean region by specialists along geotraverses Representation of data in a unified form Contains numerous color figures Includes supplementary material:

A publication of the Mediterranean Consortium for the 32nd International Geological Congress

One Printed Volume.- 1 The Mediterranean Area and the Surrounding Regions: Active Processes, Remnants of Former Tethyan Oceans and Related Thrustbelts.- Abstract.- 1.1 Introduction.- 1.2 Mediterranean Fold-and-thrust Belts.- 1.3 Mediterranean Marine Basins.- 1.4 Geological-geophysical Baseline.- 1.4.1 Heat Flow.- 1.4.2 Crustal and Lithospheric Structure.- 1.4.3 Gravity.- 1.4.4 Magnetic Field.- 1.4.5 Seismicity.- 1.4.6 Geodetic Data.- 1.4.7 Stress Field.- 1.5 Global Dynamics and Active Processes Exemplified in the Mediterranean.- 1.5.1 Subduction of the Eastern Mediterranean Lithosphere beneath the Calabrian and Aegean.- 1.5.2 Rifting and Passive Margin Development in Back-arc Regions and Other MediterranRelated to Tectonic Wedges, Tilted Blocks and Sedimentary Loadingean Domains.- 1.5.3 Mud and Salt Diapirism (Eastern Mediterranean Ridge, Alboran Sea, Nile Delta).- 1.5.4 Sea-level Changes, Salinity Crisis, Flooding (Messinian Mediterranean versus Pleistocene Black Sea).- 1.6 Record of Ancient Dynamics of the Tethyan Oceans, Ophiolitic Sutures, Mantle Tomography versus Paleogeography of the Mediterranean Realm.- 1.6.1 Collisional vs. Intracontinental Thrust Belts and Oceanic Sutures.- 1.6.2 Plate Dynamics and Palinspastic Restorations: Demise of the Concept of a Single Tethys.- 1.6.3 Cenozoic Magmatism in the Mediterranean Region.- 1.7 Conclusions.- Acknowledgements.- 2 A Tomographic View on Western Mediterranean Geodynamics.- Abstract.- 2.1 Introduction.- 2.2 The Global Tomography Model BS2000.- 2.3 Interpretation of Model BS2000 for the Western Mediterranean Mantle.- 2.3.1 Alps, Apennines, and the Western Mediterranean.- 2.3.2 The Betic-Rif and Alboran Region.- 2.4 Analysis: the Geodynamic Evolution of the Western Mediterranean.- 2.4.1 Tomographic Evidence for Slab Roll-back.- 2.4.2 Northern Apennines and Alpine-Tethys Subduction.- 2.4.3 Slab Detachment beneath the Central-southern Apennines.- 2.4.4 Calabria Subduction.- 2.4.5 The North African Margin.- 2.4.6 Betic-Rif and Alboran Region: I. Subduction and Roll-back of Predominantly Oceanic Lithosphere.- 2.4.7 Betic-Rif and Alboran Region: II. Development of Arc Geometry and Subduction Roll-back.- 2.4.8 Synthesis of Tomographic Constraints on the Geodynamic Evolution of the Western Mediterranean Region.- 2.5 Summary.- Acknowledgements.- Appendix 1 (CD-ROM).- Appendix 2 (CD-ROM).- 3 The TRANSMED Transects in Space and Time: Constraints on the Paleotectonic Evolution of the Mediterranean Domain.- Abstract.- 3.1 Introduction.- 3.2 The Western Tethys Main Plate Tectonic Constraints.- 3.2.1 The East Mediterranean-Neotethys Connection.- 3.2.2 The Apulia-Adria Problem.- 3.3 The Geodynamic Evolution of Greater Apulia and Surrounding Regions.- 3.3.1 Paleotethys Evolution (Figs. 3.23.6).- 3.3.2 Cimmerian Events and Triassic Marginal Oceans (Figs. 3.63.9).- 3.3.3 The Jurassic Oceans: Alpine Tethys, Central Atlantic and Vardar (Figs. 3.83.11).- 3.3.4 The Cretaceous Oceans: North Atlantic and the Pyrenean Domain (Figs. 3.103.14).- 3.4 The TRANSMED Transects in Space and Time.- 3.4.1 Transects I-II-III West.- 3.4.2 Transects IV-V-VI.- 3.4.3 Transects III East, VII and VIII.- 3.5 Conclusions.- Acknowledgements.- Appendix 3 (CD-ROM).- References: Preface, Chapters 1, 2 and 3.- References: CD-ROM.- Transect I: Iberian Meseta Guadalquivir Basin Betic Cordillera Alboran Sea Rif Moroccan Meseta High Atlas Sahara Domain.- Transect II: Aquitaine Basin Pyrenees Ebro Basin Catalan Coastal Ranges Valencia Trough Balearic Promontory Algerian Basin Kabylies Atlas Saharan Domain.- Transect III: Massif Central Provence Gulf of Lion Provençal Basin Sardinia Tyrrhenian Basin Southern Apennines Apulia Adriatic Sea Albanian Dinarides Balkans Moesian Platform.- Transects IV, V and VI: The Alps and Their Forelands.- Transect VII: East European Craton Scythian Platform Dobrogea Balkanides Rhodope Massif Hellenides East Mediterranean Cyrenaica.- Transect VIII: Eastern European Craton Crimea Black Sea Anatolia C2014; Cyprus Levant Sea Sinai Red Sea. sucht jetzt für Sie die besten Angebote ...


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