Management of Technology and Innovation in Japan

Management of Technology and Innovation in Japan

Fester Einband
Springer-Verlag GmbH
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The secret of Japanese success in technology

A profound overview of Japanese ways of managing innovation, looking at various relevant levels such as strategy, processes, organization, culture and implementation. Contributions by both researchers and practitioners deal with aspects such as the fuzzy front-end of innovation, the role of knowledge in new product development, supplier integration, product architecture, multi-project management and intellectual property rights issues. Featuring cases studies and comparisons with Western practices to identify differences and similarities between management practices in these different cultural regions.

Comprehensive overview over technology and innovation management in Japan Written by most reputable Japanese researchers as well as international scholars in the field

Prof. Dr. Hugo Tschirky, Professor für Technologie- und Innovationsmanagement am Betriebswissenschaftlichen Institut der Eidgenössischen Technischen Hochschule (ETH) Zürich, Mitbegründer des Center for Technology and Management der ETH Zürich und der ETH Lausanne. Prof. Dr. Cornelius Herstatt ist Leiter des Forschungs- und Lehrbereichs Technologie- und Innovationsmanagement an der Technischen Universität Hamburg-Harburg (TUHH).

Designing the Product Architecture for High Appropriability: The Case of Canon.- Case Study Shimano: Market Creation Through Component Integration.- Invisible Dimensions of Innovation: Strategy for De-commoditization in the Japanese Electronics Industry.- The Customer System and New Product Development: The Material Supplier's Strategy in Japan.- The Japanese Know-Who Based Model of Innovation Management Reducing Risk at High Speed.- The Domestic Shaping of Japanese Innovations.- Exploiting Interface Capabilities in Overseas Markets: Lessons from Japanese Mobile Phone Handset Manufacturers in the US.- Fuzzy Front End Practices in Innovating Japanese Companies.- Implementing Process Innovation The Case of the Toyota Production System.- Reorientation in Product Development for Multiproject Management: The Toyota Case.- Suppliers' Involvement in New Product Development in the Japanese Auto Industry A Case Study from a Product Architecture Perspective.- NPD-Process and Planning in Japanese Engineering Companies Findings from an Interview Research.- Japanese New Product Advantage: A Comparative Examination.- Differences in the Internationalization of Industrial R&D in the Triad.- Global Innovation and Knowledge Flows in Japanese and European Corporations.- Reducing Project Related Uncertainty in the Fuzzy Front End of Innovation A Comparison of German and Japanese Product Innovation Projects.- From Practice: IP Management in Japanese Companies.- MoT: From Academia to Management Practice The MoT Implementation Case in a Traditional Japanese Company. sucht jetzt für Sie die besten Angebote ...


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