Spectral Methods in Fluid Dynamics

Spectral Methods in Fluid Dynamics

Kartonierter Einband
Scientific Computation
Claudio Canuto, Thomas A. Zang, Alfio Quarteroni, M. Yousuff Hussaini
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
1st ed. 1988. Corr. 2nd printing
Anzahl Seiten:

Dieses Buch führt in die moderne Theorie der Spektralmethoden und ihre Implementierung in die numerische Analysis der partiellen Differentialgleichungen der Hydromechanik (Turbulenz und Aerodynamik) ein. Das Buch richtet sich an fortgeschrittene Studenten, Ingenieure und angewandte Mathematiker.

This textbook presents the modern unified theory of spectral methods and their implementation in the numerical analysis of partial differential equations occuring in fluid dynamical problems of transition, turbulence, and aerodynamics. The book addresses graduate students and researchers in fluid dynamics and applied mathematics as well as engineers working on problems of practical importance.

1. Introduction.- 1.1. Historical Background.- 1.2. Some Examples of Spectral Methods.- 1.3. The Equations of Fluid Dynamics.- 1.4. Spectral Accuracy for a Two-Dimensional Fluid Calculation.- 1.5. Three-Dimensional Applications in Fluids.- 2. Spectral Approximation.- 2.1. The Fourier System.- 2.2. Orthogonal Polynomials in ( 1, 1).- 2.3. Legendre Polynomials.- 2.4. Chebyshev Polynomials.- 2.5. Generalizations.- 3. Fundamentals of Spectral Methods for PDEs.- 3.1. Spectral Projection of the Burgers Equation.- 3.2. Convolution Sums.- 3.3. Boundary Conditions.- 3.4. Coordinate Singularities.- 3.5. Two-Dimensional Mapping.- 4. Temporal Discretization.- 4.1. Introduction.- 4.2. The Eigenvalues of Basic Spectral Operators.- 4.3. Some Standard Schemes.- 4.4. Special Purpose Schemes.- 4.5. Conservation Forms.- 4.6. Aliasing.- 5. Solution Techniques for Implicit Spectral Equations.- 5.1. Direct Methods.- 5.2. Fundamentals of Iterative Methods.- 5.3. Conventional Iterative Methods.- 5.4. Multidimensional Preconditioning.- 5.5. Spectral Multigrid Methods.- 5.6. A Semi-Implicit Method for the NavierStokes Equations.- 6. Simple Incompressible Flows.- 6.1. Burgers Equation.- 6.2. Shear Flow Past a Circle.- 6.3. Boundary-Layer Flows.- 6.4. Linear Stability.- 7. Some Algorithms for Unsteady NavierStokes Equations.- 7.1. Introduction.- 7.2. Homogeneous Flows.- 7.3. Inhomogeneous Flows.- 7.4. Flows with Multiple Inhomogeneous Directions.- 7.5. Mixed Spectral/Finite-Difference Methods.- 8. Compressible Flow.- 8.1. Introduction.- 8.2. Boundary Conditions for Hyperbolic Problems.- 8.3. Basic Results for Scalar Nonsmooth Problems.- 8.4. Homogeneous Turbulence.- 8.5. Shock-Capturing.- 8.6. Shock-Fitting.- 8.7. Reacting Flows.- 9. Global Approximation Results.- 9.1. FourierApproximation.- 9.2. SturmLiouville Expansions.- 9.3. Discrete Norms.- 9.4. Legendre Approximations.- 9.5. Chebyshev Approximations.- 9.6. Other Polynomial Approximations.- 9.7. Approximation Results in Several Dimensions.- 10. Theory of Stability and Convergence for Spectral Methods.- 10.1. The Three Examples Revisited.- 10.2. Towards a General Theory.- 10.3. General Formulation of Spectral Approximations to Linear Steady Problems.- 10.4. Galerkin, Collocation and Tau Methods.- 10.5. General Formulation of Spectral Approximations to Linear Evolution Equations.- 10.6. The Error Equation.- 11. Steady, Smooth Problems.- 11.1. The Poisson Equation.- 11.2. Advection-Diffusion Equation.- 11.3. NavierStokes Equations.- 11.4. The Eigenvalues of Some Spectral Operators.- 12. Transient, Smooth Problems.- 12.1. Linear Hyperbolic Equations.- 12.2. Heat Equation.- 12.3. Advection-Diffusion Equation.- 13. Domain Decomposition Methods.- 13.1. Introduction.- 13.2. Patching Methods.- 13.3. Variational Methods.- 13.4. The Alternating Schwarz Method.- 13.5. Mathematical Aspects of Domain Decomposition Methods.- 13.6. Some Stability and Convergence Results.- Appendices.- A. Basic Mathematical Concepts.- B. Fast Fourier Transforms.- C. JacobiGaussLobatto Roots.- References.

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