Gravity and Geoid

Gravity and Geoid

Kartonierter Einband
Joint Symposium of the International Gravity Commission and the International Geoid Commission Symposium No. 113 Graz, Austria, September 1117, 1994
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1995
Anzahl Seiten:

The papers contained in this volume and presented at the Symposium "Gravity and Geoid" held in Graz, Austria, September 1994 focus on these topics and provide the present state of the art in instrumentation, measurement, theoretical research and practical application. This volume may serve as a platform for ongoing research and development in this most exciting branch of geosciences.

This volume discusses recent advances and future prospects in the exploration of the gravity field. Both theoretical and practical aspects, ranging from gravity instrumentation, space and airborne gradiometry, satellite altimetry, the presentation of international measurement campaigns and projects, networks and gravity field-related data bases and software, to geophysical inversion techniques and recent undertakings such as the determination of the geoid in Europe, are dealt with.

IAG Opening Address.- Session 1 Progress in Gravity Instrumentation.- An Ocean Bottom Absolute Gravity Meter.- Session 2 Intercomparison Campaigns.- Problems of Gravimeter Calibration in High Precision Gravimetry.- Intercomparison of IMGC Absolute and GWR Superconducting Gravimeters.- Session 3 Standards, Networks, Data Bases and Software.- British Precise Gravity Network 1993.- Large Scale Absolute Gravity Control in South America JILAG-3 Campaigns 19881991 .- Gravity Variations in Microgravity Networks in Central Italy.- British and French Gravity Datums Connected via the Channel Tunnel.- Unified Gravity Network of the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary.- The Adjustment of the Unified European Gravity Network 1994 (UEGN 94).- Worldwide Synthetic Gravity Tide Parameters.- Gravity Anomalies for the Southern Part of Baltic Sea and their Statistics.- Session 4 Space Gradiometry and Airborne Gravimetry.- Global Gravity Field Recovery by Use of STEP Observations (Extended Abstract).- Solving the STEP-Observation Equation Using Banach's Fixed-Point Principle.- Some Unsolved Problems in Airborne Gravimetry.- State-of-the-Art and Future Sensor Technology for Airborne Gravimetry.- Fundamentals and Applications of Digital Filtering in Airborne Gravimetry.- GPS Software Development for Airborne Gravimetry and First Results.- Aecelerometer/GPS Integration for Strapdown Airborne Gravimetry: First Test Results.- State-of-the-Art Airborne Gravimetry.- A Survey of Worldwide Research Activities on Airborne Gravimetry Open and Solved Problems .- Session 5 Geophysical Inversion of Gravity and Geoid.- Two Branches of the Newton Potential and Geoid.- Geodetic and Geophysical Inverse Gravimetric Problem, the Most Adequate Solution and the Information Content.- A NewApproach to Approximate the Earth's Gravity Field.- The Maximum Entropy Geoid A Solution for an Internal Level Surface.- Upward Continuation to the Brillouin Level of the Romanian Gravity Map.- Geoid Undulation Caused by the Heterogeneity of the Litosphere and Mantle in Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, China.- Theoretical Background of the Vening Meinesz Isostatic Model.- Computation of the Moho Depths from Gravity Data in the Ross Sea (Antarctica).- Using the Geophysical Inversion of the Gravity Data to Explain the Crustal Structure of South-East China.- Covariance Functions Set Derived from Radial Multipoles Potentials: Theory and Some Results for Regional Gravity Field in Central Europe.- Session 6 Altimetry.- A Uniform Approach to the Estimation Problems of Satellite Altimetry.- Gravity Disturbances from GEOSAT Data and Forward Geopotential Models in the Labrador Sea.- A New Approach to Sea Surface Topography Estimation.- D-PAF Mean Sea Surfaces and High Resolution Gravity Field Models Based on ERS-1 Altimeter Data.- A Datum Defect and Spectral Analysis in Regional Cross-over Adjustments of Satellite Altimeter Data.- Long-Term Vertical Control in Satellite Altimetry, Deficiencies and Concepts.- Gravity and Geoid in the Mediterranean from a Common Adjustment of ERS-1 and TOPEX Altimeter Data.- First Analysis of ERS-1 Altimeter Data in the Red Sea Area.- The Use of Transponders in Altimetry.- Session 7 International Projects and Advanced Techniques.- Comparison of Geopotential Recovery Capabilities of Some Future Satellite Missions.- A Joint GSFC/DMA Project for Improving the Model of the Earth's Gravitational Field.- European Gravimetric Geoid: Status Report 1994.- Problems with Geoid Evaluations in South East Asia.- Height Comparisons on the Australian National GPSNetwork (ANN): First Results.- Geoid Computations in Taiwan.- The Local Geoid Determination in China - The Combination of Nationwide Network of GPS Levelling with that of Astro-Gravimetric Levelling (Abstract).- Parallel Line Data Gridding Using Radon Domain Information.- A Comparison of Stokes' Numerical Integration and Collocation, and a New Combination Technique (Abstract).- Does the Spherical Approximation Affect the Datum Transformation?.- Non Tidal Gravity Variations and Geodynamic Processes.- A Comparison of Geoid and Quasigeoid Modeling Methods in Rough Topography.- Dynamics of the Adriatic Microplate and the Eastern Alps.- Session 8 The Geoid in Europe.- Using High Precision GPS to Aid Absolute Geoid Datum Definition.- Geoid Determination by GPS and Levelling.- How Close are we to a Centimetric Geoid?.- Basic Relations for Evaluating the Global and Regional Quasigeoid Heights on the Base of Gravity Data and a Global Model of the Geopotential.- Determination of a Gravimetric Geoid Solution for South Korea.- Geoid Determination and Levelling by GPS: Some Experiments on a Test Network.- Data Preprocessing toward a South American Geoid.- The Hungarian Contribution to the Determination of a Precise European Reference Geoid.- Test of Collocation Models for the Swiss Geoid Computation.- Towards a High Precision Geoid for Egypt.- Estonian Geodetic and Gravimetric Networks and Geoid Undulation.- The Total Terrain Effect in the Modified Stokes' Formula.- Geoid in the West Ukraine Area Derived by Means of Non-Central Multipole Analysis Technique.- Tidal Models of the Mediterranean Sea. Main Diurnal and Semidiurnal Constituents.- Global Geopotential Models and Gravity Data for the Territory of Romania.- Gravity Field Determination in Croatia Status Report.- AuthorIndex. sucht jetzt für Sie die besten Angebote ...


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