Great Policy Successes

Great Policy Successes

Fester Einband
Mallory (Postdoctoral Researcher, Postdoc Compton
Oxford Academic
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Mallory Compton is a postdoctoral researcher at Utrecht University School of Governance, which she joined after obtaining a PhD from Texas A&M University. Her research interests include policy dynamics, social capital, social policy and bureaucratic performance. She has previously published on these topics in journals such as Journal of Politics, Public Administration and Public Management Review. Paul 't Hart is Professor of Public Administration at Utrecht University and Associate Dean of the Netherlands School of Public Administration (NSOB) in The Hague. He resumed both positions in mid-2011, after spending five years as Professor of Political Science at the Australian National University. His research interests include public leadership, success and failure in public policy, public accountability, political-administrative relations, and group dynamics in government. His recent books include The Oxford Handbook of Political Leadership (Oxford University Press 2014), Routledge Compendium to Leadership (Routledge 2016), The Leadership Capital Index: A New Perspective on Political Leadership (Oxford University Press 2017). He was elected a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2014. In 2016, he was awarded an Advanced Grant from the European Science Foundation for a 5-year program investigating the nature and preconditions of highly successful public governance

Despite their many failings and the perennial political controversies that surround them, governments sometimes 'get it right' in a big way. We can learn much from examining when and how this occurs. This book tells the story of 15 instances of highly successful government reforms, programmes, and projects from around the world.

1: Mallory E. Compton and Paul 't Hart: How to 'see' great policy successes: A field guide to spotting policy successes in the wild
2: Luis Henrique Paiva, Tereza Cristina Cotta, and Armando Barrientos: Brazil's Bolsa Família programme
3: M. Ramesh and Azad Bali: The Remarkable health care performance in Singapore
4: Adrian Kay: Cutting the wait - at least for a while: The NHS's assault on waiting times
5: Paul Cairney: The transformation of UK tobacco control
6: Mallory E. Compton: The 'Social Warfare State': Americans' making of a civic generation
7: Jaakko Kauko: The Finnish comprehensive school: conflicts, compromises, and Institutional Robustness
8: Rainer Kattel and Ines Mergel: Estonia's digital transformation: mission mystique and the hiding hand
9: Richard F. Callahan: Infrastructure partnership success in Southern California: building and paying for the Alameda Corridor rail project
10: Emma Blomkamp and Jenny M Lewis: 'Marvellous Melbourne': making the world's most liveable city
11: Arwin van Buuren: The Dutch Delta approach: the successful reinvention of a policy success
12: Jacob Torfing and Eva Sorensen: The Copenhagen metropolitan 'Finger Plan': a robust urban planning success based on collaborative governance
13: Camilla Bakken Øvald, Bent Sofus Tranøy, and Ketil Raknes: The Norwegian Petroleum Fund as institutionalised self-Restraint
14: Michael Mintrom and Madeline Thomas: New Zealand's economic turnaround: how public policy innovation catalysed economic growth
15: Florian Spohr: Germany's labour market policies: how the sick man of Europe performed a second economic miracle
16: Frederike Albrecht and Charles F. Parker: Healing the ozone layer: the Montreal Protocol and the lessons and limits of a global governance success story sucht jetzt für Sie die besten Angebote ...


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