Java Concurrency in Practice

Java Concurrency in Practice

Kartonierter Einband
Brian Goetz, David Holmes, Joseph Bowbeer, Joshua Bloch, Doug Lea, Tim Peierls
Pearson Academic
Anzahl Seiten:

Listings     xii
Preface     xvii

Chapter 1: Introduction     11.1  A (very) brief history of concurrency       1
1.2  Benefits of threads      3
1.3  Risks of threads       5
1.4  Threads are everywhere       9Part I: Fundamentals     13

Chapter 2: Thread Safety     152.1  What is thread safety?      17
2.2  Atomicity     19
2.3  Locking     23
2.4  Guarding state with locks      27
2.5  Liveness and performance       29Chapter 3: Sharing Objects     333.1  Visibility      33
3.2  Publication and escape       39
3.3  Thread confinement       42
3.4  Immutability       46
3.5  Safepublication       49Chapter 4: Composing Objects     554.1  Designing a thread-safe class      55
4.2  Instance confinement      58
4.3  Delegating thread safety      62
4.4  Adding functionality to existing thread-safe classes       71
4.5  Documenting synchronization policies       74Chapter 5: Building Blocks     795.1  Synchronized collections       79
5.2  Concurrent collections     84
5.3  Blocking queues and the producer-consumer pattern     87
5.4  Blocking and interruptible methods     92
5.5  Synchronizers     94
5.6  Building an efficient, scalable result cache      101Part II: Structuring Concurrent Applications     111

Chapter 6: Task Execution     1136.1  Executing tasks in threads      113
6.2  The Executor framework     117
6.3  Finding exploitable parallelism      123Chapter 7: Cancellation and Shutdown     1357.1  Task cancellation      135
7.2  Stopping a thread-based service       150
7.3  Handling abnormal thread termination       161
7.4  JVM shutdown      164Chapter 8: Applying Thread Pools     1678.1  Implicit couplings between tasks and execution policies     167
8.2  Sizing thread pools      170
8.3  Configuring ThreadPoolExecutor     171
8.4  Extending ThreadPoolExecutor     179
8.5  Parallelizing recursive algorithms     181Chapter 9: GUI Applications     1899.1  Why are GUIs single-threaded?      189
9.2  Short-running GUI tasks     192
9.3  Long-running GUI tasks   &n...

Brian Goetz is a software consultant with twenty years industry experience, with over 75 articles on Java development. He is one of the primary members of the Java Community Process JSR 166 Expert Group (Concurrency Utilities), and has served on numerous other JCP Expert Groups. Tim Peierls is the very model of a modern multiprocessor, with, recording arts, and goings on theatrical. He is one of the primary members of the Java Community Process JSR 166 Expert Group (Concurrency Utilities), and has served on numerous other JCP Expert Groups. Joshua Bloch is a principal engineer at Google and a Jolt Award-winner. He was previously a distinguished engineer at Sun Microsystems and a senior systems designer at Transarc. Josh led the design and implementation of numerous Java platform features, including JDK 5.0 language enhancements and the award-winning Java Collections Framework. He holds a Ph.D. in computer science from Carnegie Mellon University. Joseph Bowbeer is a software architect at Vizrea Corporation where he specializes in mobile application development for the Java ME platform, but his fascination with concurrent programming began in his days at Apollo Computer. He served on the JCP Expert Group for JSR-166 (Concurrency Utilities). David Holmes is director of DLTeCH Pty Ltd, located in Brisbane, Australia. He specializes in synchronization and concurrency and was a member of the JSR-166 expert group that developed the new concurrency utilities. He is also a contributor to the update of the Real-Time Specification for Java, and has spent the past few years working on an implementation of that specification. Doug Lea is one of the foremost experts on object-oriented technology and software reuse. He has been doing collaborative research with Sun Labs for more than five years. Lea is Professor of Computer Science at SUNY Oswego, Co-director of the Software Engineering Lab at the New York Center for Advanced Technology in Computer Applications, and Adjunct Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Syracuse University. In addition, he co-authored the book, Object-Oriented System Development (Addison-Wesley, 1993). He received his B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. from the University of New Hampshire.

As processors become faster and multiprocessor systems become cheaper, theneed to take advantage of multithreading in order to achieve full hardwareresource utilization only increases the importance of being able to incorporateconcurrency in a wide variety of application categories. For many developers,concurrency remains a mystery. Developing, testing and debuggingmultithreaded programs is extremely difficult because concurrency hazards donot manifest themselves uniformly or reliably. This book is intended to beneither an introduction to concurrency (any threading chapter in an introbook does that) nor is it an encyclopedic reference of All Things Concurrency(that would be Doug Lea's Concurrent Programming in Java). Instead, this titleis a combination of concepts, guidelines, and examples intended to assistdevelopers in the difficult process of understanding concurrency and its newtools in J2SE 5.0. Filled with contributions from Java gurus such as Josh Bloch,David Holmes and Doug Lea, this book provides any Java programmers withthe basic building blocks they need to gain a basic understanding ofconcurrency and its benefits.

"I was fortunate indeed to have worked with a fantastic team on the design and implementation of the concurrency features added to the Java platform in Java 5.0 and Java 6. Now this same team provides the best explanation yet of these new features, and of concurrency in general. C… sucht jetzt für Sie die besten Angebote ...


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