The Politics of the Soviet Cinema 1917 1929

The Politics of the Soviet Cinema 1917 1929

Kartonierter Einband
Richard Taylor
Cambridge University Press
Anzahl Seiten:

Informationen zum Autor Colonel Richard Taylor, retired, served in Army cavalry, ranger, and airborne units, as an educator, and in military-diplomatic assignments in Africa, Brussels, and Manila. And Defense/State diplomatic advisor assignments in Iraq and Afghanistan. He has written for many military publications. Prodigals is his first book.Colonel (US Army, Retired) Richard Taylor writes of love and war. "Prodigals: A Vietnam Story," an autobiography, was published by Casemate in 2003 and the manuscript was a winner at the Pikes Peak Writers Conference, then a featured selection of the Military Book Club. "Homeward Bound: American Veterans Return from War, a comprehensive veterans history, was first published by Greenwood Press (ABC-CLIO) in 2007, then republished by the Naval Institute Press in 2009 as a featured selection of the Association of the US Army. It was one source for the PBS four part series "American Veteran" in 2021. His current hits are the Eden Trilogy-Eden Lost, Return to Eden, and Almost Eden. Klappentext The book provides an illuminating background of the political history of the Soviet cinema in the twenties. Zusammenfassung This book looks at the Soviet cinema in its formative period from the political point of view! examining both the attitude of the authorities towards the cinema and the actual use to which the cinema was put. Inhaltsverzeichnis Preface; Acknowledgements; Note on transliteration; Abbreviations; 1. The pre-history of the Soviet cinema; 2. The Bolsheviks, propaganda and the cinema; 3. Revolution and Civil War; 4. The disorganisation of organisation: the early twenties; 5. The organisation of disorganisation: the later twenties; 6. The Party takes control; 7. Theory and film; 8. Conclusions; Notes; Bibliography; Index.

The book provides an illuminating background of the political history of the Soviet cinema in the twenties.

This book looks at the Soviet cinema in its formative period from the political point of view, examining both the attitude of the authorities towards the cinema and the actual use to which the cinema was put.

Preface; Acknowledgements; Note on transliteration; Abbreviations; 1. The pre-history of the Soviet cinema; 2. The Bolsheviks, propaganda and the cinema; 3. Revolution and Civil War; 4. The disorganisation of organisation: the early twenties; 5. The organisation of disorganisation: the later twenties; 6. The Party takes control; 7. Theory and film; 8. Conclusions; Notes; Bibliography; Index. sucht jetzt für Sie die besten Angebote ...


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