Pennsylvania University Press
No detailed description available for "The Kingdom of León-Castilla Under King Alfonso VII, 1126-1157".
Bernard F. Reilly is Professor Emeritus of History at Villanova University. He has written a number of books, in addition those on the Kingdom of Leon-Castilla, including The Contest of Christian and Muslim Spain, 1031-1157 and The Medieval Spains.
The reign of Alfonso VII occupied more than a quarter century during which the political landscape of medieval Spain was altered significantly. It was marked by the enhancement of royal administration, an increased papal intervention in the affairs of the peninsular church, and the development of the church's territorial structure. With the publication of The Kingdom of Leon-Castilla Under King Alfonso VII, 1126-1157, Bernard Reilly completes a detailed, three-part history of the largest of the Christian states of the Iberian peninsula from the mid-eleventh through the mid-twelfth century. Like his earlier books on the reigns of Queen Urraca and King Alfonso VI, this will no doubt be an essential resource for all students of European and Spanish history and to anyone investigating the antecedents of Castile's eventual preeminence in Iberian affairs.
"Reilly displays a mastery of the documentation. He has sought out every known royal, papal, and private document relating to the king and his reign, examined them and purged them of fakes or interpolations. He obviously has made a major contribution to our knowledge."--Joseph O'Callaghan, Fordham University "Reilly's previous books and articles have secured his reputation as one of North America's foremost authorities on Leon-Castilla during the eleventh and twelfth centuries. This book serves to confirm the reputation."--Clara Estow, University of Massachusetts, Boston
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