Menahem Max Schiffer: Selected Papers Volume 1

Menahem Max Schiffer: Selected Papers Volume 1

Fester Einband
Frz/engl, Contemporary Mathematicians
Springer New York
Anzahl Seiten:

Menahem Max Schiffer, a mathematician of many interests, produced a body of work including topics on geometric function theory, Riemann surfaces, and partial differential equations, with a focus on applications and mathematical physics. Perhaps his best know work is that in the calculus of variations, especially extremal problems, which find application in many scientific areas.This two volume set presents over 50 of the most groundbreaking contributions of this beloved mathematician. All of the reprints of Schiffer's works herein have extensive annotation and invited commentaries, giving new clarity and insight into the impact and legacy of Schiffer's work. A complete bibliography and brief biography make this a rounded and invaluable reference.

Presents a major portion of the life work of M.M. Schiffer Serves as an excellent source for researchers and students in the calculus of variations Contains commentary and annotation to make the work more accessible

Menahem Max Schiffer, a mathematician of many interests, produced a body of work including topics on geometric function theory, Riemann surfaces, and partial differential equations, with a focus on applications and mathematical physics. Perhaps his best know work is that in the calculus of variations, especially extremal problems, which find application in many scientific areas.
This two volume set presents over 50 of the most groundbreaking contributions of this beloved mathematician. All of the reprints of Schiffer s works herein have extensive annotation and invited commentaries, giving new clarity and insight into the impact and legacy of Schiffer's work. A complete bibliography and brief biography make this a rounded and invaluable reference.

Part 1. Publications of M. M. Schiffer.- Doctoral Students of M. M. Schiffer.- Chronology of M. M. Schiffer.- Part 2. Personal Reminiscences.- Paul R. Garabedian, Recollections of Menahem Max Schiffer.- Robert Finn, Memories of Menahem Schiffer.- Peter Duren, Working with Max Schiffer.- Lawrence Zalcman, Memories of Max Schiffer.- Dennis Hejhal, Some Reminiscences of My Thesis Advisor, Max Schiffer.- Dov Aharonov, Max Schiffer at the Technion.- Steven R. Bell, M. M. Schiffer, Explorer.- Part 3. Selected Papers.- Ein neuer Beweis des Endlichkeitssatzes f¨ur Orthogonalinvarianten.- Commentary by Lawrence Zalcman.- Sur un principe nouveau pour l'´evaluation des fonctions holomorphes.- Commentary by Peter Duren.- Sur un probl`eme d'extr´emum de la repr´esentation conforme.- A method of variation within the family of simple functions.- On the coefficients of simple functions.- Sur un th´eor`eme de la repr´esentation conforme.- Commentary by Peter Duren.- Sur la variation de la fonction de Green de domaines plans quelconques.- Sur la variation du diam`etre transfini.- Variation of the Green function and theory of the p-valued functions.- Commentary by Peter Duren.- The span of multiply connected domains.- Commentary by Brad Osgood.- Sur l'´equation diff´erentielle de M. L¨owner.- Commentary by Peter Duren.- Hadamard's formula and variation of domain-functions.- Commentary by Peter Duren.- The kernel function of an orthonormal system.- Commentary by Dmitry Khavinson.- (with S. Bergman) A representation of Green's and Neumann's functions in the theory of partial differential equations of second order.- Commentary by Dmitry Khavinson.- (with S. Bergman) Kernelfunctions in the theory of partial differential equations of elliptic type.- Commentary by Dmitry Khavinson.- Faber polynomials in the theory of univalent functions.- Commentary by Peter Duren.- (with P. R. Garabedian) Identities in the theory of conformal mapping.- Commentary by Brad Osgood.- (with A. C. Schaeffer and D. C. Spencer) The coefficient regions of schlicht functions.- Commentary by Peter Duren.- (with P. R. Garabedian) On existence theorems of potential theory and conformal mapping.- Commentary by Brad Osgood.- (with S. Bergman) Kernel functions and conformal mapping.- Commentary by Dmitry Khavinson.- Variational methods in the theory of conformal mapping.- Commentary by Peter Duren.- [44] (with P. R. Garabedian and H. Lewy) Axially symmetric cavitational flow.- Commentary by Louis Nirenberg.- Variation of domain functional.- Commentary by Peter Duren.- (with P. R. Garabedian) A coefficient inequality for schlicht functions.- Commentary by Peter Duren. sucht jetzt für Sie die besten Angebote ...


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