Napoleon's Empire

Napoleon's Empire

E-Book (pdf)
European Politics in Global Perspective
Allgemeines, Lexika
Palgrave Macmillan
Anzahl Seiten:

The Napoleonic Empire played a crucial role in reshaping global landscapes and in realigning international power structures on a worldwide scale. When Napoleon died, the map of many areas had completely changed, making room for Russia's ascendency and Britain's rise to world power.

Virginia H. Aksan, McMaster University, Canada Jean-René Aymes, Université Paris III, France Lucia Maria Bastos Pereira das Neves, Rio de Janeiro State University, Brazil Emmanuel Berger, Université de Namur, Belgium Michael Broers, University of Oxford, UK Jaros?aw Czubaty, University of Warsaw, Poland Brecht Deseure, Universität Passau, Germany Max Engman, Åbo Akademi University, Finland Bård Frydenlund, University of Oslo, Norway Bernard Gainot, Université Paris I, France Rasmus Glenthøj, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark Jean-Marcel Humbert, Independent Scholar, France Johan Joor, International Institute of Social History in Amsterdam, the Netherlands Annie Jourdan, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands Armin Owzar, University of Paris 3 (Sorbonne Nouvelle), France Anna Maria Rao, University of Naples 'Federico II', Italy Stefan Rinke, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany Martin P. Schennach, University of Innsbruck, Austria Denis Sdvizkov, German Historical Institute in Moscow, Russia Marko Trogrli?, University of Split, Croatia Peter Vodopivec, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Josip Vrande?i?, University of Split, Croatia

Introduction: Napoleon and its Aftermath: Reshaping Power in Europe and the World; Ute Planert 1. France, Western Europe and the Atlantic World. Napoleon's Empire: European Politics in Global Perspective; Annie Jourdan 2. Unity and Fragmentation: Recent Research Trends on the 'neuf départements réunis'; Brecht Deseure and Emmanuel Berger 3. The Napoleonic Period in Holland from a Dutch Historical Perspective; Johan Joor 4. Liberty in Times of Occupation: The Napoleonic Era in German; Armin Owzar 5. Napoleonic Italy: Old and New Trends in Historiography; Anna Maria Rao 6. Against the Grain: Portugal and its Empire in the Face of the Napoleonic Invasions; Lucia Maria Bastos P. Neves 7. The Peninsular War and its Repercussions in France and Spain; Jean René Aymes 8. 'Perfidies, Robberies and Cruelties': Latin America and Napoleon in the Age of Revolutions; Stefan Rinke 9. The Empire Overseas: The Illusion of Restoration; Bernard Gainot 10. L'Empire d'Occident Faces the Russian Empire: Inter-Imperial Exchanges and their Reflections in Historiography; Denis Sdvizkov 11. What Lies Behind the Glory? A Balance Sheet of the Napoleonic Era in Poland; Jaroslaw Czubaty 12. The Danish State and the Napoleonic Wars; Rasmus Glenthoj 13. The Case of Norway: Domestic Developments and External Influences on the Periphery of Napoleonic Europe; Bard Frydenlund 14. Decline and Consolidation: Sweden, the Napoleonic Wars, and Geopolitical Restructuring in Northern Europe; Martin Hårdstedt 15. Finland and the Napoleonic Empire; Max Engman 16. 'We are Constituted as a Nation': Austria in the Era of Napoleon; Martin Schennach 17. The Illyrian Provinces from the Slovene Perspective: Myth and Reality; Peter Vodopivec 18. The French Rule in Dalmatia, 1806-14: Globalizing a Local Geopolitics; Marko Trogrlic and Josip Vrandecic 19. Locating the Ottomans in Napoleon's World; Virginia Aksan 20. The Birth of Modern Egypt from Bonaparte's Campaign to Muhammad Ali's Seizure of Power: A Historiographical Essay; Jean-Marcel Humbert 21. Pride & Prejudice: The Napoleonic Empire Through the Eyes of its Rulers; Michael Broers sucht jetzt für Sie die besten Angebote ...


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