Biology of Endothelial Cells

Biology of Endothelial Cells

E-Book (pdf)
Springer New York
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The participation of endothelial cells in various physiologic and pathologic processes has been hypothesized since before the turn of the century. However, until recently, direct evidence for endothelial involvement in these processes has been extremely difficult to obtain due to the inability to study endothelial cell function in vitro. Though the possibility of using cultured endothelial cells to study endothelial cell function in vitro was recognized many years ago, the inability to culture unambiguously identifiable endothelial cells limited investigators in their studies of endothelial function. As a result, the field of endothelial cell biology lay relatively fallow for many years. The development in the early 1970's of routine and easily implemented methods for culturing human endothelial cells and the demonstration that cultured endothelial cells synthesized a physiologically relevant protein, Factor VIII/von Willebrand Factor, quickly changed this state of affairs. Over the following decade the scope of endothelial cell research rapidly widened, spreading in a number of directions. First, methods were developed to culture endothelial cells from a variety of species. Second, methods were developed to culture endothelial cells from different organs and types of blood vessels (arteries, veins, and capillaries) within a single species. Third, and most important, investigators began using cultured endothelial cells as tools to study the potential involvement of endothelial cells in a wide assortment of biologically interesting processes. The net result has been a tremendous increase in our understanding of endothelial cell function.

Tissue Culture of Endothelial Cells.- Culture and identification of large vessel endothelial cells.- Culture of capillary endothelial cells.- Culture of endothelial cells from neural capillaries.- Culture of pulmonary endothelial cells on microcarrier beads.- Construction of an artificial blood vessel wall from cultured endothelial cells.- Determinants of Endothelial and Smooth Muscle Cell Growth.- Growth requirements for bovine aortic endothelium in vitro.- Contact inhibition in the endothelium.- Endothelial cell motility.- Factors which stimulate the growth of human umbilical vein endothelial cells in vitro.- Macrophages, neovascularization, and the growth of vascular cells.- The limited life-span of bovine endothelial cells.- Endothelium, heparin, and the regulation of vascular smooth muscle cell growth.- Morphology of Cultured Endothelial Cells.- Morphology of vascular endothelial cells in culture.- The endothelial cytoskeleton.- Synthesis of Connective Tissue Elements by Endothelial Cells.- Metabolism of thrombospondin and fibronectin by endothelial cells.- Collagen synthesis by endothelial cells in culture.- Sulfated glycosaminoglycans and vascular endothelial cells.- Elastin synthesis by endothelial cells.- Gene mapping using hybrids of human endothelial cells and rodent fibroblasts.- Interactions of Endothelial Cells with the Coagulation and Complement Systems and Formed Elements in Blood.- Properties of plasminogen activators produced by endothelial cells.- Synthesis of Factor VIII by endothelial cells.- Tissue factor activity of cultured human vascular cells.- Activation of Hageman factor by cultured rabbit endothelial cells.- Prostacyclin production by endothelial cells.- Regulation of endothelial cell function by cyclic nucleotides.- Interactions of thrombin, antithrombin III, and Protein C with endothelium.- Viral infection of endothelium and the induction of Fc and C3 receptors.- Adhesive interactions between polymorphonuclear leukocytes and endothelium.- Neutrophil endothelial interactions.- Synthesis of colony stimulating activity by endothelial cells.- Interaction with and Metabolism of Plasma Components by Endothelial Cells.- The metabolism of vasoactive peptides by human endothelial cells.- The metabolism of angiotensin I and bradykinin by endothelial cells.- Metabolism of serotonin and adenosine.- Receptors for insulin and multiplication stimulating activity (MSA) in endothelial cells.- Binding of lipoprotein lipase to cultured endothelial cells.- Role of lipoproteins in the regulation of cultured endothelial cell cholesterol metabolism.- Quantitative aspects of endocytosis in cultured endothelial cells.- Immunologic Aspects of Endothelial Cells.- The alloantigens of endothelial cells.- Accessory cell function of human endothelial cells: presentation of antigen to T cells.- Cell surface markers on endothelial cells: a developmental perspective.- Endothelial Cell and Vasular Prostheses.- Endothelial seeding of vascular prostheses.- Endothelial Cells and Cancer.- Angiogenesis.- Synthesis of collagenase and plasminogen activator by endothelial cells.- In vitro systems for studying the interaction of metastatic tumor cells with endothelial cells and subendothelial basement membranes. sucht jetzt für Sie die besten Angebote ...


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