Teaching History and the Changing Nation State

Teaching History and the Changing Nation State

E-Book (pdf)
Transnational and Intranational Perspectives
Bloomsbury Usa
Anzahl Seiten:

Capitalizing on the current movement in history education to nurture a set of shared methodologies and perspectives, this text looks to break down some of the obstacles to transnational understanding in history, focusing on pedagogy to embed democratic principles of inclusion, inquiry, multiple interpretations and freedom of expression.

Four themes which are influencing the broadening of history education to a globalized community of practice run throughout Teaching History and the Changing Nation State:
· pedagogy, democracy and dialogue
· the nation - politics and transnational dimensions
· landmarks with questions
· shared histories, shared commemorations and re-evaluating past denials

The contributors use the same pedagogical language in a global debate about history teaching and learning to break down barriers to search for shared histories and mutual understanding. They explore contemporary topics, including The Gallipoli Campaign in World War I, transformative approaches to a school history curriculum and the nature of federation.

Robert Guyver is Adjunct Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Tasmania, Australia.

Introduction, Robert Guyver, University of St Mark & St John, UK
Part I: Shared Histories in Transnational and Intranational Post-Conflict Settings
1. Palestine: Reframing Palestine in the Post-Oslo Period, Nadia Naser-Najjab, University of Exeter, UK and Ilan Pappé, University of Exeter, UK
2. Russia and Ukraine: Perspectives of Professional History Educators on Societies in Transition, Tamara Eidelman, History Teachers Association of Moscow, Russia, Polina Verbytska, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine, Jonathan Even-Zohar, Euroclio Secretariat, The Netherlands
3. Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland: Eroded Certainties and New Possibilities, Fionnuala Waldron, St Patrick's College, Ireland, and Alan McCully, University of Ulster, UK
4. Turkey and Greece: Reconstructing a Shared Past, Gülçin Dilek, Sinop University, Turkey, and Eleni Filippidou, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
5. South Africa and Rwanda: Remembering or Forgetting? Gail Weldon, Education Consultant, South Africa
6.Part I Discussant, Robert Guyver, University of St Mark & St John, UK
Part II: Shared Histories in Post-Colonial Settings
7. Portugal and Brazil: How Much of 'Our' Past is 'Theirs' Too? Marlene Cainelli, State University of Londrina, Brazil, Helena Pinto, Agrupamento de Escolas do Vale de S. Torcato, Portugal and Glória Solé, University of Minho, Portugal
8. The United States: Learning About Native American History, Cyndi Mottola Poole, University of Pittsburgh, USA
9. England and the UK: Conflict and Consensus over Curriculum, Robert Guyver, University of St Mark & St John, UK
10. Part II Discussant, Robert Guyver, University of St Mark & St John, UK
Part III: Comparative Settings - Federations, Shared Histories and Emerging Democracies
11. The Russian Federation and Australia: Comparing Like with Unlike, Tony Taylor, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
12. Spain: History Education and Nationalism Conflicts, Ramón Lopez-Facal, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain and Jorge Sáiz Serrano, University of Valencia, Spain
13. Part III Discussant, Robert Guyver, University of St Mark & St John, UK
Part IV: Shared History as a Transnational and Intranational Landmark with Questions
14. Turkey, Australia and Gallipoli: The Challenges of a Shared History, Jennifer Lawless, New South Wales Board of Studies, Australia and Sedat Bulgu, Translator/Interpreter, Turkey
15. New Zealand and Australia: ANZAC and Gallipoli in the 21st Century, Tony Taylor, University of Technology Sydney, Australia and Mark Sheehan, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
16. Part IV Discussant, Robert Guyver, University of St Mark & St John, UK
Conclusions, Robert Guyver, University of St Mark & St John, UK

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