Definitive Guide To GCC

Definitive Guide To GCC

Kartonierter Einband
William Von Hagen
2nd ed.
Anzahl Seiten:

The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) offers a variety of compilers for a variety of programming languages, including C, C++, Java, Fortran, and Ada. The Definitive Guide to GCC, Second Edition, has been revised to reflect the changes made in the most recent major GCC release, version 4. Providing in-depth instruction to GCC's enormous array of features and options, and introducing crucial tools such as autoconf, gprof, and libtool, beginners and experts alike will appreciate using this book as both a guide and reference for years to come. However this book goes well beyond a general introduction, introducing key programming techniques, such as profiling and optimization that when used in conjunction with GCC's advanced features can greatly improve application performance. Also, in order to account for the growing popularity of GCC's other language compilers, the second edition has been expanded to provide coverage for C++, Java, Fortran and Ada.

Explains how to use major GCC features Describes each GCC command line option, often using examples to illustrate usage Teaches you how to integrate GCC, libtool, autoconf, and automake into a seamless code development environment Explains how to build and install GCC on Linux, UNIX, and Windows systems, whether they have an existing GCC or not

William von Hagen holds degrees in computer science, English writing, and art history. William has worked with UNIX systems since 1982, during which time he has been a system administrator, systems programmer, software developer, development manager, computing facilities operations manager, writer, documentation manager, and (now) content manager. William has written a number of books, including Linux Filesystems, Installing Red Hat Linux 7, and SGML For Dummies, and he contributed to writing Red Hat 7 Unleashed. He coauthored Mac OS X Power User's Guide with Brian Proffitt. William has written articles and software reviews for publications including Linux Magazine, Linux Format (UK), Maximum Linux, Mac Tech Magazine, Mac Home Magazine, and Mac Directory, and he has written extensive online material for CMP Media, Linux Planet, and Corel.

* Expanded and revised in light of the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) 4 release in April 2005, this book offers detailed coverage of GCC's somewhat daunting array of options and features and includes several chapters devoted to its support for languages like C, C++, Java, Objective-C, and Fortran. * Though targeting beginner and intermediate developers, this book goes well beyond basic compiler usage, combining instruction of GCC's advanced features and utilities (authconf, libtool, and gprof) with key coding techniques, such as profiling and optimization to show how to build and manage enterprise-level applications. * This is an enormous market. GCC is the defacto compiler collection for hundreds of thousands of open source projects worldwide, a wide variety of commercial development projects, and is the standard compiler for academic programs.

Using GCC's C Compiler.- Using GCC's C++ Compiler.- Using GCC's Fortran Compiler.- Using GCC's Java Compiler.- Optimizing Code with GCC.- Analyzing Code Produced with GCC Compilers.- Using Autoconf and Automake.- Using Libtool.- Troubleshooting GCC.- Additional GCC and Related Topic Resources.- Compiling GCC.- Building and Installing Glibc.- Using Alternate C Libraries.- Building and Using C Cross-Compilers. sucht jetzt für Sie die besten Angebote ...


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