Use Case Driven Object Modeling with UMLTheory and Practice

Use Case Driven Object Modeling with UMLTheory and Practice

Fester Einband
Theory and Practice
Don Rosenberg, Matt Stephens
2. Aufl.
Anzahl Seiten:

Diagramming and process are important topics in today's software development world, as the UML diagramming language has come to be almost universally accepted. Yet process is necessary; by themselves, diagrams are of little use. This is underscored by the number of recent books explaining Extreme Programming (XP), which many believe goes too far toward having no structure or no method. This book combines the notation of UML with the lightweight but effective ICONIX process. The work functions as an up-to-date edition of the authors' successful Use Case Driven Object Modeling with UML: A Practical Approach (Addison-Wesley). Sitting between the free-for-all of XP and overly rigid processes like RUP, ICONIX offers enough structure to be successful. ICONIX has attracted a growing following; for example, Sparx Systems' Enterprise Architect CASE tool (with 80,000+ copies in the field), which directly supports ICONIX as an option, presenting online help material on ICONIX.

The title leverages the current, strong interest in the UML and use cases Authors have a seven year track record writing and speaking about (and using!) ICONIX Authors' previous book on use case driven object modeling sold over 37,000 copies

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Diagramming and process are important topics in today s software development world, as the UML diagramming language has come to be almost universally accepted. Yet process is necessary; by themselves, diagrams are of little use. Use Case Driven Object Modeling with UML - Theory and Practice combines the notation of UML with a lightweight but effective process - the ICONIX process - for designing and developing software systems. ICONIX has developed a growing following over the years. Sitting between the free-for-all of Extreme Programming and overly rigid processes such as RUP, ICONIX offers just enough structure to be successful.

to ICONIX Process.- to ICONIX Process.- Requirements Definition.- Domain Modeling.- Use Case Modeling.- Requirements Review.- Analysis, Conceptual Design, and Technical Architecture.- Robustness Analysis.- Preliminary Design Review.- Technical Architecture.- Design and Coding.- Sequence Diagrams.- Critical Design Review.- Implementation: Getting from Detailed Design to Code.- Code Review and Model Update.- Testing and Requirements Traceability.- Design-Driven Testing.- Addressing Requirements. sucht jetzt für Sie die besten Angebote ...


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