Ethnic Groups of Africa and the Middle East

Ethnic Groups of Africa and the Middle East

Fester Einband
An Encyclopedia
John Shoup
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Informationen zum Autor JOHN A. SHOUP is Associate Professor of Anthropology at Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane, Morocco. He is also the author of Culture and Customs of Jordan (Greenwood, 2007). Klappentext This encyclopedia is an essential guide to the different ethno-linguistic groups in Africa and today's complicated Middle East region. Ethnic Groups of Africa and the Middle East contains encyclopedic entries arranged alphabetically within ethno-linguistic classifications. Each entry has four main sections: an introduction identifying the language group, where they are found, and their numbers; a brief discussion of their origins and early history; a section on cultural life that includes religion, literature, social organization, and art; and a final section on political organization and recent history. The contents are appropriate for high school and undergraduate students as well as for experts who need a refresher on groups in Africa and the Middle East. While certain ethnic groups have been combined into a single entry, some-such as the Tuareg, who are a Berber people-are described within their own entries because of their importance in history or cultural domination. Inhaltsverzeichnis PrefaceAcknowledgmentsIntroduction: Ethnicity in Africa and the Middle EastNote on SpellingAcholiAfarAfrikanerAkansAka PygmiesAmharaAnnangArabsArmeniansAssyriansBafurBakhtiyariBaluchBamilekeBassaBaTwaBauleBejaBembaBerbersBeti/Beti-PahuinBilenBini/EdoChaggaChewaChokweCoptsCreoleDanDiolaDogambaDogonEweFonFulbeFurGaGandaGilaki and MazandaraniGwariHadzaHaratinHausaHereroHutuIgboIjawIsokoJewsKalenjinKambaKanuriKhoisanKikuyuKongoKubaKurdsLebouLeleLembaLingalaLoziLubaLulyaLundaLuoLurMakondeMalagasyMandeMangbetuMbuluMbunduMbuti PygmiesMendeMossiNguniNiloticNon-Africans: AsiansNon-Africans: EuropeansNubaNubiansNyamweziOromoOvamboOvimbunduPersiansRendilleSenufoSereer/SererShonaSomalis/IssasSonghaySotho/TswanaSouth ArabianSurmaSwahiliTalyshTéda/TubuTemneTigray/TigrinyaTigreTivTongaTsongaTuareg/TuwariqTurksTutsiUbykhVendaViliWolofYaoYorubaZaghawaZandeZaza/DimliList of ContributorsGeographical IndexIndex...

This encyclopedia is an essential guide to the different ethno-linguistic groups in Africa and today's complicated Middle East region. Ethnic Groups of Africa and the Middle East contains encyclopedic entries arranged alphabetically within ethno-linguistic classifications. Each entry has four main sections: an introduction identifying the language group, where they are found, and their numbers; a brief discussion of their origins and early history; a section on cultural life that includes religion, literature, social organization, and art; and a final section on political organization and recent history. The contents are appropriate for high school and undergraduate students as well as for experts who need a refresher on groups in Africa and the Middle East. While certain ethnic groups have been combined into a single entry, some-such as the Tuareg, who are a Berber people-are described within their own entries because of their importance in history or cultural domination.

Preface Acknowledgments Introduction: Ethnicity in Africa and the Middle East Note on Spelling Acholi Afar Afrikaner Akans Aka Pygmies Amhara Annang Arabs Armenians Assyrians Bafur Bakhtiyari Baluch Bamileke Bassa BaTwa Baule Beja Bemba Berbers Beti/Beti-Pahuin Bilen Bini/Edo Chagga Chewa Chokwe Copts Creole Dan Diola Dogamba Dogon Ewe Fon Fulbe Fur Ga Ganda Gilaki and Mazandarani Gwari Hadza Haratin Hausa Herero Hutu Igbo Ijaw Isoko Jews Kalenjin Kamba Kanuri Khoisan Kikuyu Kongo Kuba Kurds Lebou Lele Lemba Lingala Lozi Luba Lulya Lunda Luo Lur Makonde Malagasy Mande Mangbetu Mbulu Mbundu Mbuti Pygmies Mende Mossi Nguni Nilotic Non-Africans: Asians Non-Africans: Europeans Nuba Nubians Nyamwezi Oromo Ovambo Ovimbundu Persians Rendille Senufo Sereer/Serer Shona Somalis/Issas Songhay Sotho/Tswana South Arabian Surma Swahili Talysh Téda/Tubu Temne Tigray/Tigrinya Tigre Tiv Tonga Tsonga Tuareg/Tuwariq Turks Tutsi Ubykh Venda Vili Wolof Yao Yoruba Zaghawa Zande Zaza/Dimli List of Contributors Geographical Index Index sucht jetzt für Sie die besten Angebote ...


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