Who's Who in Orthopedics

Who's Who in Orthopedics

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Springer London
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A highly readable source of the inspirational and authoritative information, this book will secure a broad range of serious and casual global English speaking (US, Canada, UK, Australia) readers especially Orthopedic surgeons, Orthopedic trainees, faculty members, General practitioners, Medical students, Physiotherapy and Nursing staff and students and other staff in health system whose work involves dealing with Orthopedic patients. The serious researchers and authors could add flavor by adding unique photos or quotes from this book in their seminars and talks. It will also appeal to general readers as all non-orthopaedic and non-medical people who have helped with aspects of the book become fascinated and ask for the total manuscript to read. Orthopaedic patients as they always ask questions about the procedures, tests and material used in operation. The book has a built-in market, since most of the families and friends of those mentioned in the book will want their own copies.

Unique and comprehensive list of the great and the good in orthopaedics Highly readable source of the inspirational and authoritative information

Adams, Robert Adson, Alfred Washington Aitken, David Mccrae Albee, Fred Houldlette Anderson, Lewis D. Andry, Nicolas Annandale, Thomas Apley, Alan Graham Attenborough, Christopher George Axhausen, Georg Bado, José Luis Baer, William J. Baker, William Morant Bankart, Arthur Sidney Blundell Barr, Joseph Seaton Barton, John Rhea Bechterew, Vladimir Mikhailovich Bennet, Edward Hallaran Bichat, Marie Francois Xavier Bick, Edgar M. Bigelow, Henrey Jacob Blount, Walter Putnam Böhler, Lornez Bohlman, Harold Ray Bosworth, David Marsh Boucher, Harold Hamlyn Boyd, Harold Buhalts Brackett, Elliott Gray Bradford, Edward Breck, Louis W. Bristow, Walter Rowley Brodie, Sir Benjamin Collins Buck, Gurdon Bunnell, Sterling Cade, Sir Stanford Callander, George William Calvé, Jaques Campbell, Willis Cohoon Camper, Pieter Capener, Norman Leslie Chance, Arthur Chandler, Fermont A. Charcot, Jean-Martin Charnley, John Clark, John Mounsten Pemberton Cloward, Ralph B. Cobb, John Robert Codivilla, Alessandro Codman, Ernest Amory Cole, Wallace H. Colles, Abraham Colonna, Paul Crenshaw Cooper, Sir Astley Paston Cotton, Fredric Jay Coventry, Mark Bingham Crenshaw, Andrew Hoyt Danis, Robert Darrach, William D'Aubigné, Robert Merle De Quervain, Fritz Delpech, Jacques-Malthieu Destot Étienne Dunn, Naughton Dupuytren, Guillaume Durham, Herbert Alton Duverney, Joseph Gichard Dwyer, Allan Frederick Eicher, Palmer O. Ellis, Valentine Herbert Elmslie, R.C. Engh, Otto Anderson Epstein, Sigmund Erb, Wilhelm Heinrich Esmarch, Johann Friedrich August Von Essex-Lopresti , Peter Gordon Lawrence Evans, Dillwyn Ewing, James Fairbank, Harold Arthur Thomas Ficat, Paul Fielding, Joseph William Foucher, Jean Timothee Emile Freiberg, Albert Froment, Jules Furlong, Ronald Galeazzi, Riccardo Garrod, Alfred Baring Gaucher, Philip C. E. Gibson, Alexander Gill, Arthur Bruce Girdlstone, Gathorne Roberts Glissan, Denis Joseph Golding, Sir John Griffiths, David Lloyd Haglund, Patric Halsted, William Stewart Hampton, Jr., Oscar P. Harrington, Paul Randall Harris, Robert Inkerman Hass, Julius Hauser, Emil D. W. Havers, Clopton Henderson, Melvin Starkey Henry, Arnold Kirkpatrick Herndon, Charles Harbison Hey Groves, Ernest William Heyman, Clarance Henry Hibbs, Russel A. Hippocrates Hirsch, Carl Hodgson, Arthur Ralph Hoffa, Albert Hoke, Michael Holdsworth, Sir Frank Wild Hunt, Dame Agnes Hunter, John Hunter, William Ilizarov, Gavrill Abramovich Inman Verne Thompson Insall, John N. Jacobs, Bernard Jaffe, Henry L. Jones, Arthur Rocyn Jones, Robert Judet, Robert Kaplan, Emanuel B. Keller, Colonel William Kessel, Lipmann Key, John Albert Kidner, Frederick Clinton Kienböck, Robert King, Donald E. Kite, Joseph Hiram Klumpke, Auguste Dejerine Knowles, Fred Köcher, Theodor Küntschner, Gerhard Lambott, Albin Lambrinudi, Constantine Lane, Sir William Arbuthnot Langenskiöld, Anders Leadbetter, Guy Whitman Legg, Arthur Thornton Leinbach, Irwin S. Letournel, Emil D. W. Leveuf, Jacques Lexer, Eric Lippmann, Robert Korn Lister, Joseph Little, William John Lloyd, Eric Ivan Lorenz, Adolf Lottes, J. Otto MacDonald, William Laurence Macewan, Sir William Macnab, Ian Madelung, Otto A. Magnuson, Paul Budd Malgainge, Joseph François Marshall, John L. Mathijsen, Antonius McBride, Earl D McDonald, John Laing McFarland, Brayan Leslie McIndoe, Archibald Hector McKee, George Kennneth McKeever, Duncan Clark Mclaughlin, Harrison L. McMurray, Thomas Porter Mercer, Walter Metcalf, Robert William Milch, Henry Mitchel, Alexander Mitchel, George Patrick Moe, John Howard Monteggia, Giovanni Battista Moore, Austin Talley Morton, Thomas George Müller, Walther Murphy, John B. Neviaser, Julius Salem Nicoladoni, Carl Nicoll, E.A. Nissen, Karl Iversen Noulis, George C. O`Donoghue, Don Horatio Ober, Frank Roberts O'Connor, Richard L. Orr, Hiram Winnett Ortolani, Marino Osgood, Robert Bayley Otto, Adolph Wilhelm Outerbridge, Ralph Edward Paget, Sir James Paré, Ambroise Parkhill, Clayton Pavlik, Arnold Peabody, Charles William Perkins, George Perthes, George C. Phelps, Winthrop M. Phemister, Dallas Burton Pirogoff, Nikolai Ivanovich Platt, Sir Harry Plummer, William Ward Poggi, Alfonzo Pott, Percivall Pridie, Kenneth Hampden Pugh, William Thomas Gordon Putti, Vittorio Quigley, Thomas Bartlett Reynolds, Fred C. Rhinelander, Frederic W. Robinson, Robert. A Rodet, Alexander Rolando, Silvio Roux, César Roye-Camille, Raymond Rush, Leslie V Russel, James Russel, Robert Hamilton Ryerson, Edwin W. Saha, Amulya Kumar Sayre, Lewis Albert Scarpa, Antonio Schajowicz, Fritz Scheuermann, Holger Werfel Schneider, Robert Seddon, Sir Herbert Senn, Nicholas Shaffer, Newton M. Shands, Alfred Rives Sharrard, William John Wells Sherman, Harry Silver, David Slocum, Donald Barclay Smillie, Ian Scott Smith, Robert William Smith-Petersen, M.N. Sofield, Harold Augustus Somerville, Edgar William Speed, James Spencer Stauffer, Richard N. Steele, Paul B. Steindler, Arthur Steinman, Fritz Sterling, Robert Ingleton Stevens, James H. Still, George Fredric Stimson, Lewis Atterbury Stinchfield, Frank Strange, Frederick Friffiths St. Clair Stromeyer, George Friedrich Louis Strümpell, Ernest Adolph Gustav Gottfried Syme, James Thomas, Hugh Owen Thompson, Frederick Roeck Tinel, Jules Trendelenburg, Fredrich Trethowan, W.H. Trueta, Joseph Tubby, Alfred Herbert Vainio, Kauko Verbiest, Henk Verbrugge, Jean Volkmann, Richard Von Waldeström, Henning Walldius, Börje Ward, Fredrick Oldfield Watanabe, Masaki Watson-Jones, Sir Reginald Waugh, William Weber, Berhard Georg White, James Renfrew Whitman, Royal Willenegger, Hans Robert Wilson, Philip Duncan Wolff, Julius Yasuda, Iwao

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