Semiconductor Spintronics

Semiconductor Spintronics

Kartonierter Einband
De Gruyter Textbook
Thomas Schäpers
De Gruyter
Anzahl Seiten:

As the first comprehensive introduction into the rapidly evolving field of spintronics, this textbook covers ferromagnetism in nano-electrodes, spin injection, spin manipulation, and the practical use of these effects in next-generation electronics. Based on foundations in quantum mechanics and solid state physics this textbook guides the reader to the forefront of research and development in the field, based on repeated lectures given by the author. From the content:
Low-dimensional semiconductor structures
Magnetism in solids
Diluted magnetic semiconductors
Magnetic electrodes
Spin injection
Spin transistor
Spin interference
Spin Hall effect
Quantum spin Hall effect
Topological insulators
Quantum computation with electron spins

Thomas Schäpers, Research Center Jülich, Germany.

"Insgesamt ist das Buch von Schäpers eine gelungene Werbung für das Feld der Spintronik, eine gute Grundlage für eine einsemestrige Spezialvorlesung und ein hochmotivierender Lesestoff."
Michael Oestreich in: Physik Journal 16 (2017) No. 8/9, p. 85

1 Semiconductors1.1 Overview1.2 Bulk semiconductors1.2.1 Band structure1.2.2 Effective mass1.2.3 Intrinsic semiconductors1.3 Doped semiconductors1.3.1 Mobility1.4 Layer systems1.4.1 Semiconductor heterostructures1.4.2 2-dimensional electron gases1.4.3 Characteristic length scales1.5 Quantum wires and nanowires1.5.1 Electron beam lithography1.5.2 Semiconductor nanowires1.5.3 Split-gate quantum point contacts1.6 Zero-dimensional structures: quantum dots1.6.1 Transport at small source-drain bias voltages1.6.2 Transport as a function of source-drain bias voltage2 Magnetism in Solids2.1 Overview2.1.1 Definitions2.1.2 Magnetization2.1.3 Classification2.2 Paramagnetism2.2.1 Paramagnetism of localized moments2.2.2 Hund's rule2.2.3 Pauli paramagnetism2.3 Collective Magnetism2.3.1 Exchange interaction2.3.2 Stoner-model3 Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors3.1 Overview3.2 II-VI diluted magnetic semiconductors3.3 III-V diluted magnetic semiconductors3.4 Transport properties of III-V diluted magnetic semiconductors4 Spin Injection4.1 Overview4.2 Resistor model4.3 Local description of spin injection4.4 Detection of spin-polarized carriers4.5 Experiments on optical detection of spin polarization4.6 Injection through a barrier4.7 Experiments on spin injectors with interface barriers5 Spin Transistor5.1 Overview5.2 InAs-based 2-dimensional electron gases5.3 The Rashba effect5.4 Strength of the Rashba spin-orbit coupling5.5 Magnetoresistance measurements5.5.1 Landau quantization5.5.2 Beating patterns due to the Rashba effect5.5.3 Gate-control of the Rashba effect5.6 Dresselhaus term5.7 Electron interference effects5.7.1 Weak localization5.7.2 Weak antilocalization5.8 Rashba effect in quasi-one-dimensional structures5.8.1 Rashba effect in planar quasi one-dimensional structures5.8.2 Rashba effect in tubular structures6 Magnetic Domains6.1 Overview6.2 Formation of domains6.3 Domain walls6.4 Magnetic electrodes6.5 Local Hall effect measurements6.6 Micromagnetic simulations6.7 Domain wall motion6.8 Magnetic race track memory6.9 Magnetic domain wall logic7 Spin Hall Effect7.1 Introductory remarks7.2 Spin Hall effect basic phenomena7.3 Spin-Hall effect in GaAs7.4 Detection of the spin Hall effect by electroluminescence sucht jetzt für Sie die besten Angebote ...


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