Greener Fischer-Tropsch Processes

Greener Fischer-Tropsch Processes

Fester Einband
For Fuels and Feedstocks
Wiley VCH Verlag GmbH
1. Auflage
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How can we use our carbon-based resources in the most responsible manner? How can we most efficiently transform natural gas, coal, or biomass into diesel, jet fuel or gasoline to drive our machines? The Big Questions today are energyrelated, and the Fischer-Tropsch process provides industrially tested solutions.

Peter Maitlis is Professor Emeritus of Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Sheffield. His researches are concerned with the interaction of organic molecules with metals, where he is currently developing a closer understanding of heterogeneously catalyzed reactions. He has coauthored over 350 scientific papers as well as three books on catalysis, and has lectured extensively. His work has been recognized internationally: he was elected FRS in 1984, and was made a Socio of the Accademia dei Lincei in Rome in 1999. He has been President of the Dalton Division of the RSC, Chairman, of the SERC Chemistry Committee in the UK, and has also worked in the USA (Cornell and Harvard), and in Canada (McMaster University). Arno de Klerk holds postgraduate qualifications in both analytical chemistry and chemical engineering. In 2001 he was appointed as research manager of the Fischer-Tropsch Refinery Catalysis group, being responsible for catalysis research related to conversion processes for upgrading Fischer-Tropsch syncrude to fuels and chemicals. In 2009 he relocated from South Africa to Canada and took up his present position at the University of Alberta. He has authored publications in the fields of engineering, catalysis, chemistry and refining. He is author of the book 'Fischer-Tropsch Refining' also published by Wiley-VCH

PREFACE PART ONE: Introduction WHAT IS FISCHER - TROPSCH? Feedstocks for Fuel and for Chemicals Manufacture The Problems Fuels for Transportation Feedstocks for the Chemical Industry Sustainability and Renewables: Alternatives to Fossil Fuels The Way Forward XTL and the Fischer - Tropsch Process (FTP) Alternatives to Fischer - Tropsch PART TWO: Industrial and Economics Aspects SYNGAS: THE BASIS OF FISCHER - TROPSCH Syngas as Feedstock 19 Routes to Syngas: XTL (X ¼ Gas, Coal, Biomass, and Waste) Water-Gas Shift Reaction (WGSR) Synthesis Gas Cleanup Thermal and Carbon Efficiency The XTL Gas Loop CO2 Production and CO2 as Feedstock 46 FISCHER - TROPSCH TECHNOLOGY Introduction Industrially Applied FT Technologies FT Catalysts Requirements for Industrial Catalysts FT Reactors Selecting the Right FT Technology Selecting the FT Operating Conditions Selecting the FT Catalyst Type Other Factors That Affect FT Technology Selection WHAT CAN WE DO WITH FISCHER - TROPSCH PRODUCTS? Introduction Composition of Fischer - Tropsch Syncrude Syncrude Recovery after Fischer - Tropsch Synthesis Fuel Products from Fischer - Tropsch Syncrude Lubricants from Fischer - Tropsch Syncrude Petrochemical Products from Fischer - Tropsch Syncrude INDUSTRIAL CASE STUDIES Introduction A Brief History of Industrial FT Development Industrial FT Facilities Perspectives on Industrial Developments OTHER INDUSTRIALLY IMPORTANT SYNGAS REACTIONS Survey of CO Hydrogenation Reactions Syngas to Methanol Syngas to Dimethyl Ether (DME) Syngas to Ethanol Syngas to Acetic Acid Higher Hydrocarbons and Higher Oxygenates Hydroformylation Other Reactions Based on Syngas FISCHER - TROPSCH PROCESS ECONOMICS Introduction and Background Market Outlook (Natural Gas) Capital Cost Operating Costs Revenues Economics and Sensitivity Analysis PART THREE: Fundamental Aspects PREPARATION OF IRON FT CATALYSTS Introduction High-Temperature Fischer - Tropsch (HTFT) Catalysts Low-Temperature Catalysts Individual Steps COBALT FT CATALYSTS Introduction Early German Work Support Preparation Addition of Cobalt and Promoters Calcination Reduction Catalyst Transfer Catalyst Attrition Addendum Recent Literature Summary OTHER FT CATALYSTS Introduction Ni Catalysts Ruthenium Catalysts Rhodium Catalysts Other Catalysts and Promoters SURFACE SCIENCE STUDIES RELATED TO FISCHER?TROPSCH REACTIONS Introduction: Surfaces in Catalysts and Catalytic Cycles Heterogeneous Catalyst Characterization Species Detected on Surfaces Theoretical Calculations MECHANISTIC STUDIES RELATED TO THE FISCHER - TROPSCH HYDROCARBON SYNTHESIS AND SOME COGNATE PROCESSES Introduction Basic FT Reaction: Dissociative and Associative Paths Some Mechanisms-Related Experimental Studies Current Views on the Mechanisms of the FT-S Now: Toward a Consensus? Dual FT Mechanisms Cognate Processes: The Formation of Oxygenates in FT-S Dual Mechanisms Summary Improvements by Catalyst Modifications Catalyst Activation and Deactivation Processes Desorption and Displacement Effects Directions for Future Researches Caveat PART FOUR: Environmental Aspects FISCHER - TROPSCH CATALYST LIFE CYCLE Introduction Catalyst Manufacturing Catalyst Consumption Catalyst Disposal FISCHER - TROPSCH SYNCRUDE: TO REFINE OR TO UPGRADE? Introduction Wax Hydrocracking and Hydroisomerization Olefin Dimerization and Oligomerization ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY Introduction Impact of FT Facilities on the Environment Water and Wastewater Management Solid Waste Management Air Quality Management Environmental Footprint of FT Refineries PART FIVE: Future Prospects NEW DIRECTIONS, CHALLENGES, AND OPPORTUNITIES Introduction Why Go Along the Fischer - Tropsch Route? Considerations against Fischer - Tropsch Facilities Opportunities to Improve Fischer - Tropsch Facilities Fundamental Studies: Keys to Improved FT Processes Challenges for the Future Conclusions GLOSSARY INDEX sucht jetzt für Sie die besten Angebote ...


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