Nanoelectronics and Information Technology

Nanoelectronics and Information Technology

Fester Einband
Advanced Electronic Materials and Novel Devices
Wiley VCH Verlag GmbH
3. völlig neu überarbeitete Auflage
Anzahl Seiten:

Fachlich auf höchstem Niveau, visuell überzeugend und durchgängig farbig illustriert: Das ist die neue Auflage der praxisbewährten Einführung in spezialisierte elektronische Materialien und Bauelemente aus der Informationstechnologie. Über ein Drittel des Inhalts ist neu, alle anderen Beiträge wurden gründlich überarbeitet und aktualisiert.

The Editor: Rainer Waser is Professor at the faculty for Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of the RWTH Aachen University and director at the Institute of Solid State Research (IFF) at the HGF Research Center Jülich, Germany. In 1984, he received his PhD in physical chemistry at the University of Darmstadt, and worked at the Philips Research Laboratory, Aachen, until he was appointed professor in 1992. His research group is focused on fundamental aspects of electronic materials and on such integrated devices as non-volatile memories, specifically ferroelectric memories, logic devices, sensors and actuators. Throughout, he has been collaborating with major semiconductor industries in Europe, the US, and the Far East. He has organized international conferences, published about 200 technical papers and holds ten patents. In 2000, Dr. Waser has been honored with the IEEE Ferroelectrics Recognition Award, and since 2002 he has been the coordinator of the research program Nanoelectronic Systems within the German National Research Centers (Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft).

Preface General Introduction I FUNDAMENTALS 1 Dielectric, Ferroelectric, and Optical Properties 2 Electronic Properties and Quantum Effects 3 Mesoscopic Electron Transport 4 Spintransfer Phenomena in Layered Structures 5 Organic Molecules - Structures and Electronic Properties 6 Neurons - The Molecular Basis of Their Electrical Excitability 7 Logic Gates and Digital Circuits II TECHNOLOGY AND ANALYSIS 8 Advanced Optical and Particle Beam Lithography 9 Nanoimprint Lithography 10 Structural and Chemical Characterization on the Nanoscale 11 Scanning Probe Analysis 12 Atomic and Molecular Manipulation 13 Bottom-Up Approaches by Self-Organization Techniques III LOGIC DEVICES 14 Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors: Novel Materials and Alternative Concepts 15 Nanoelectromechanical Logic Gates 16 Single-Electron Devices for Logic Applications 17 Electron Waveguide Devices 18 Superconductor Digital Electronics 19 Spin-Based Logics - Principles and Concepts 20 Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene for Data Processing 21 Molecular Electronics - Functions and Features Arising from Tailor-Made Molecules IV COMPUTATIONAL CONCEPTS AND ARCHITECTURES 22 Performance Estimates for Microprocessors: at Technology Limits and in Practice 23 Reconfigurable Nano-Crossbar Architectures 24 Cognitive Computing 25 Quantum Computing - Fundamentals and Solid-State Realizations V MEMORY DEVICES AND STORAGE SYSTEMS 26 Flash Memories 27 Capacitor-based Random Access Memories 28 Magnetic Random Access Memories 29 Information Storage Based on Phase Change Materials 30 Redox-Based Resistive Random Access Memories 31 Scanning Probe Storage 32 Holographic Data Storage VI DATA TRANSMISSION AND INTERFACES 33 Metal Interconnects 34 Three-Dimensional Integration 35 Photonic Networks 36 RF and Microwave Communication - Systems, Circuits and Devices 37 From RFID Tags to Nanomorphic Systems 38 Neuroelectronic Interfacing with Semiconductor Chips VII SENSOR ARRAYS AND IMAGING SYSTEMS 39 Optical 3-D Time-of-Flight Imaging System 40 Micromachined Thermal Detector Arrays for Infrared Imaging 41 Electronic Noses and Tongues 42 2-D Tactile Sensors and Tactile Sensor Arrays VIII DISPLAYS 43 Liquid Crystal Displays 44 Organic Light Emitting Devices 45 Plasma Displays 46 Micromirror Displays 47 Electronic Paper sucht jetzt für Sie die besten Angebote ...


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