Elements of Quantum Optics

Elements of Quantum Optics

Fester Einband
Murray Sargent, Pierre Meystre
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
4th ed. 2007
Anzahl Seiten:

Dieses Lehrbuch ist ideal für Doktoranden und fortgeschrittene Studenten, die im Bereich der Laserphysik und Quantenoptik Forschung betreiben wollen. Es führt eine Reihe von theoretischen Methoden ein und stellt wichtige Ergebnisse dar, die sowohl für Zwei-Niveau Systeme als auch für Halbleiter relevant sind. Der enge Zusammenhang zwischen anscheinend sehr unterschiedlichen Problemen wird enthüllt. Die zweite Auflage enthält eine beträchtliche Anzahl von Änderungen, die zum besseren Verständnis beitragen, und einen neuen Teil über die Theorie des Resonanzlichtdrucks und der Veränderung der Atombahnen durch Licht.

This fourth edition of the brilliant work on quantum optics has been much updated. It now includes a new chapter on quantum entanglement and quantum information, as well as added discussions of the quantum beam splitter, electromagnetically induced transparency, slow light and the input-output formalism. The book still gives a self-contained and broad coverage of the basic elements necessary to understand and carry out research in laser physics and quantum optics, including a review of basic quantum mechanics and pedagogical introductions to system-reservoir interactions and to second quantization. The text reveals the close connection between many seemingly unrelated topics, such as probe absorption, four-wave mixing, optical instabilities, resonance fluorescence and squeezing. It also includes discussions of cavity quantum electrodynamics and atom optics. The extra material on the input-output formalism is needed to understand many problems in quantum optics.

New chapter on quantum entanglement and quantum information Added discussions of the quantum beam splitter, electromagnetically induced transparency, slow light and the input-output formalism

Elements of Quantum Optics gives a self-contained and broad coverage of the basic elements necessary to understand and carry out research in laser physics and quantum optics, including a review of basic quantum mechanics and pedagogical introductions to system-reservoir interactions and to second quantization. The text reveals the close connection between many seemingly unrelated topics, such as probe absorption, four-wave mixing, optical instabilities, resonance fluorescence and squeezing. It also comprises discussions of cavity quantum electrodynamics and atom optics. The 4th edition includes a new chapter on quantum entanglement and quantum information, as well as added discussions of the quantum beam splitter, electromagnetically induced transparency, slow light, and the input-output formalism needed to understand many problems in quantum optics. It also provides an expanded treatment of the minimum-coupling Hamiltonian and a simple derivation of theGross-Pitaevskii equation, an important gateway to research in ultracold atoms and molecules.

Classical Electromagnetic Fields.- Classical Nonlinear Optics.- Quantum Mechanical Background.- Mixtures and the Density Operator.- CW Field Interactions.- Mechanical Effects of Light.- to Laser Theory.- Optical Bistability.- Saturation Spectroscopy.- Three and Four Wave Mixing.- Time-Varying Phenomena in Cavities.- Coherent Transients.- Field Quantization.- Interaction Between Atoms and Quantized Fields.- System-Reservoir Interactions.- Resonance Fluorescence.- Squeezed States of Light.- Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics.- Quantum Theory of a Laser.- Entanglement, Bell Inequalities and Quantum Information.

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