Human Development and Health

Human Development and Health

Kartonierter Einband
Klaus Hurrelmann
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1989
Anzahl Seiten:

This book provides an overview of investigations into the interrela tions between stressful living conditions, individual coping strategies, and social support networks, on the one hand, and physiological, psychological, and social "health", on the other. Health is used as a broad term, and is defined as a state of physical and mental well being by which an individual is capable of processing inner and outer reality in a productive and satisfying manner. The potential stresses and strains inherent in the lifestyles of children, adolescents, and adults in contemporary industrial societies are the prime concern of this book. I try to offer a comprehensive view which takes modern socialization theory as its starting point. Chapter 1 introduces the subject and discusses the psychological and social "costs" that accompany life within modern industrial soci ety. Chapter 2 reviews research on types and distribution of social, psychological, and somatic disorders. Chapter 3 explores the risk fac tors and constellations of stressful life events, role conflicts, and tran sitions and focuses on the changes in types of demand or strains throughout the life span. Chapter 4 contains an analysis of the per sonal and social "resources" that can be mobilized if stress occurs.

Klaus Hurrelmann lehrt in den Bereichen Gesundheits- und Bildungspolitik. Er gehört zu den bekanntesten Kindheits- und Jugendforschern in Deutschland und leitete von 1986 - 98 das Kooperationszentrum 'Health Behavior in School Children' der WHO. Nach langjähriger Tätigkeit an der Universität Bielefeld arbeitet er seit 2009 als Professor of Public Health and Education an der Hertie School of Governance in Berlin.

This book provides an overview of the interrelations between stressful living conditions, individual coping strategies and social support networks on the one hand and social, psychological and physiological health on the other. For the first time, social deviance, psychological disorders and chronic physical illness are viewed in a comprehensive approach; they are manifestations that an individual's ability to adapt is overtaxed. The relationship between stressors (risk factors) occuring during human development and stress outcomes (symptoms) is seen in recent theoretical approaches in sociology, medicine and psychology. The main parts of these explanatory approaches are drawn together into a theoretical socialization model. Social, psychological and educational interventions that attempt to strengthen personal or social resources for coping with stress are examined for their limitations and potential.

1 The Biopsychosocial Costs of Today's Lifestyle.- The Burden of Individuality.- The Concept of Socialization.- The Concept of Health.- 2 Symptoms: Social, Psychological, and Physiological Disorders.- The Spectrum of Behavior Disorders.- Epidemiological Data.- 3 Risk Factors: Stressors in the Life Course.- Stressors in Childhood.- Stressors in Adolescence.- Stressors in Adulthood.- 4 Resources: Personal and Social Coping Capacities.- Personal Resources.- Social Resources.- 5 Interdependences: The Stress-Health Relationship.- Medical Approaches.- Psychological Approaches.- Sociological Approaches.- A Socialization-Theoretical Synthesis.- 6 Interventions: Strengthening Personal and Social Resources.- Potential and Constraints of Intervention Strategies.- Advancement of Competence and Network Promotion.- References. sucht jetzt für Sie die besten Angebote ...


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