Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in Europe

Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in Europe

Kartonierter Einband
Historical Development Current Situation Future Perspectives
Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1999
Anzahl Seiten:

The intention of this book is to provide an overview of child and adolescent psychiatry in Europe, focusing on the historical development, current situation, and future perspectives of the specialty. Child and adolescent psychiatry is now acknowledged as a medical specialty or subspecialty in almost all European countries. Also, the number of child psychia trists has increased dramatically over the last decade. However, there are still enormous differences from country to country, not only with regard to the num ber of specialists, but also with regard to the extent and nature of services provided and their diagnostic and therapeutic orientation. Furthermore, important differ ences exist in the training curricula for child and adolescent psychiatry within medicine and other professional fields, both inside and outside the universities, and in the image and importance of this discipline to the public. This diversity is also reflected in the reports on the historical development, current situation and future perspectives of child and adolescent psychiatry in 31 European countries, all following the same structure in order to facilitate compa rability. This structure comprises (1) the historical development and the current situation, (2) classification systems and diagnostic and therapeutic methods, (3) structure and organization of services, (4) cooperation with other medical and non-medical disciplines, (5) training and continuing medical education, (6) research, and (7) future perspectives.

Prof. Dr. med. Dr. phil. Helmut Remschmidt, geb. 1938 in Czernowitz/Rumänien, Studium der Medizin, Psychologie und Philosophie an den Universitäten Erlangen, Wien und Tübingen, ordentlicher Professor für Psychiatrie und Neurologie des Kindes- und Jugendalters an der Freien Universität Berlin von 1975-1980. Seit 1980 Direktor der Klinik für Kinder und Jugendpsychiatrie und -psychotherapie der Philipps-Universität Marburg. 1995-1999 Präsident der European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (ESCAP), von 1998-2004 Präsident der International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions (IACAPAP). Forschungsgebiete: Entwicklungspsychopathologie, psychiatrische Genetik, Essstörungen, Schizophrenieforschung, Therapie- und Evaluationsforschung. Neben anderen Auszeichnungen erhielt er 1999 den Max-Planck-Preis für internationale Kooperation.

Child and adolescent psychiatry in Austria.- Child and adolescent psychiatry in Belgium.- Child and adolescent psychiatry in Bulgaria.- Child and adolescent psychiatry in Croatia.- Child and adolescent psychiatry in the Czech Republic.- Child and adolescent psychiatry in Denmark.- Child and adolescent psychiatry in Estonia.- Child and adolescent psychiatry in Finland.- Child and adolescent psychiatry in France.- Child and adolescent psychiatry in Germany.- Child and adolescent psychiatry in Greece.- Child and adolescent psychiatry in Hungary.- Child and adolescent psychiatry in Iceland.- Child and adolescent psychiatry in Ireland.- Child and adolescent psychiatry in Italy.- Child and adolescent psychiatry in Latvia.- Child and adolescent psychiatry in Lithuania.- Child and adolescent psychiatry in Luxembourg.- Child and adolescent psychiatry in the Netherlands.- Child and adolescent psychiatry in Norway.- Child and adolescent psychiatry in Portugal.- Child and adolescent psychiatry in Romania.- Child and adolescent psychiatry in Russia.- Child and adolescent psychiatry in Serbia.- Child and adolescent psychiatry in Slovakia.- Child and adolescent psychiatry in Slovenia.- Child and adolescent psychiatry in Spain.- Child and adolescent psychiatry in Sweden.- Child and adolescent psychiatry in Switzerland.- Child and adolescent psychiatry in Ukraine.- Child and adolescent psychiatry in the United Kingdom. sucht jetzt für Sie die besten Angebote ...


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