New Light on Old Manuscripts

New Light on Old Manuscripts

Kartonierter Einband
The Sinai Palimpsests and Other Advances in Palimpsest Studies
Verlag der Österreich. Akademie der Wissenschaften
Anzahl Seiten:

Dieser Band mit 32 Beiträgen plus Einleitung bietet einen Querschnitt des neuesten Forschungsstands, einschließlich der neuesten technischen Methoden, in der Erforschung von Palimpsesthandschriften. Ein besonderes Augenmerk liegt dabei auf den wertvollen und erst in jüngster Zeit erforschten Palimpsesten des Katharinenklosters im Sinai, in denen alle Sprachen des christlichen Orients (einschließlich solcher, die nur in den ausradierten Schichten bezeugt sind) vertreten sind.

The study of palimpsest manuscripts has a long tradition and has led to spectacular discoveries of new texts or new text versions. Recent decades have seen the development of advanced nondestructive methods of multispectral imaging and computer-based image processing. The focus of such research have been individual manuscripts, such as the Archimedes palimpsest that was studied in Baltimore, or the Dexippus fragments in Vienna. The Sinai Palimpsests Project broke new ground by studying for the first time a collection of palimpsest manuscripts that have been preserved for centuries in the library of the Monastery of Saint Catherine in the Sinai (Egypt). The erased layers preserve texts in eleven languages of the Christian Orient. An international team of scholars has identified numerous new texts or versions of texts, often in very early scripts. This volume has its origin in a conference that was held in Vienna in 2018, where these results of the Sinai Palimpsests Project were presented, along with the advances in image capture and image processing that have made them possible. Additional contributions about current projects in the study of palimpsests, also including Jewish and Muslim text traditions, place the study of palimpsest manuscripts within the larger context of the cultural history of the middle ages. The 30 contributions in this volume thus offer a cross-section, including the most recent technologies, of the current state of research in palimpsest studies.

is Professor of Byzantine Studies, University of Vienna, and interim Director, Institute for Medieval Research of the Austrian Academy of Sciences is post-doctoral Researcher at the Department of Byzantine Research, Institute for Medieval Research, Austrian Academy of Sciences is a Research Associate at the Department of Byzantine Research, Institute for Medieval Research, Austrian Academy of Sciences is Senior Academy Scientist at the Department of Byzantine Research, Institute for Medieval Research, Austrian Academy of Sciences sucht jetzt für Sie die besten Angebote ...


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