Remigranten in der SBZ / DDR und in Ungarn nach 1945

Remigranten in der SBZ / DDR und in Ungarn nach 1945

Fester Einband
Ein Vergleich
Sprach- & Literaturwissenschaften
Kornélia Papp
Vandenhoeck + Ruprecht Gm
1. Aufl. 18.03.2009
Anzahl Seiten:

A comparison of the two countries and their relationship to modern literary traditions.

The return of emigrants to their respective native country after 1945 was an important event both in Germany and in Hungary. Although the Communist Party played a major role in everyday life in both Hungary and the Soviet-Occupied Zone after 1945, the conditions for political and cultural development were different in the two countries. In the Soviet-Occupied Zone in East Germany, cultural life had to rebuilt from scratch after 1945; in Hungary, it was more of a transformation of existing cultural institutions. Even though the transition took longer in Hungary, by 1950 a more or less similar political and cultural structure of Soviet build had been established in both.This volume compares the relationship of the two countries to modern literary tradition, the cultural-political institutions and the debates that went on among writers after 1945. The two remigration groups from the Soviet Union are showcased based on the fates of a few select intellectuals.

Dr. phil. Kornélia Papp, geboren 1976 in Ungarn, unterrichtet an der Universität Potsdam am Lehrstuhl für Neuere deutsche Literatur.

The return of emigrants to their homelands after 1945 was an important event both in Hungary and Germany. The Communist Party assumed a major role in both Hungary and in the East Germany immediately after the war, even though the political and cultural conditions were very different in the two countries. In post-war East Germany, cultural life had to be rebuilt from scratch, whereas in Hungary it was more of a transformation of existing institutions. Even if the transition period was longer in Hungary, by 1950 more or less similar political and cultural situations modeled after those from the Soviet Union had been established. This volume compares the relationship of the two countries to the modern literary tradition, the cultural institutions, and the debates among writers after 1945. The author also introduces two groups who re-emigrated from the Soviet Union by presenting the fates of a few selected intellectuals. sucht jetzt für Sie die besten Angebote ...


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