Towards a Spectral Microtonal Composing: A Bridge between Arabic and Western Music

Towards a Spectral Microtonal Composing: A Bridge between Arabic and Western Music

Kartonierter Einband
Rami Chahin
SCHOTT MUSIC GmbH & Co. KG / Schott Campus
Anzahl Seiten:

This book is written as a dissertation for the degree of PhD at Carl von Ossietzky University "Oldenburg University". It is in the field of microtonal and spectral Music. This book presents possible microtonal harmonies in different tuning-systems specially in maqam music. It is written in parallel with compositions that make the tangible proof to the theories. The main themes of these compositions are maqam, microtonal and spectral music. The aim of the book is to give a new perspective to composers, musicians and theorists for possible merge between the traditional or Oriental Music and contemporary Western Music in new Transnational Music. In addition to that, harmony in traditional music and its esthetic is one of the main arguments that the book probes into.

Rami Chahin is a composer, a theorist and a musicologist. He is one of the pioneer music composers, theorists and musicologists. He worked in the field of maqam harmony and Arabic avant-garde music. Besides, he has new theories in microtonal music. He was born in Damascus, and got his Bachelor degree from Damascus High Institute for Music and Theatre, Syria. In 2001 he got a scholarship from the Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho) for higher research in music. It was supervised by Prof. Minami Hiroaki. He got his master degree in Music Composition from Tokyo university in 2004. His work was supervised by Prof. Matsushita Isao In 2005, he was appointed as a teacher assistant at Homs University for composition and musical theories. In 2008 he got a scholarship to study for a PhD in Germany. In 2010 he got a certificate in Live-Electronic, Electronic Music and Computer Music Composition from the Hochschule für Music und Theater in Hamburg (Germany). In 2012 he got Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung scholarship to continue his PhD. In 2016 he finished his thesis at Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg University, Germany supervised by Prof. Violeta Dinescu. The degree of his graduation was (summa cum laude). Since 2007 he has worked in the field of maqam Music, tuning-systems in traditional music, microtonal and spectral Music. Further, he has been teaching as a lecturer at Oldenburg University. He has taught Musicology, composers, beside hisown theories and compositions. He got many prizes in Music composition and research like the DAAD first prize for Research and Education at Oldenburg University and composition competition in Hildesheimer, a composition for the glockenspiel of the city in 2012. sucht jetzt für Sie die besten Angebote ...


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