Pioneers in Polymer Science

Pioneers in Polymer Science

Kartonierter Einband
Chemists and Chemistry 10
Springer Netherlands
Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1989
Anzahl Seiten:

Because of a lack of appreciation for his efforts in developing modern polymer science, the contributions of Hermann Staudinger were disregarded for decades. There have also been delays in recognizing the contributions of other pioneers in polymer science. Hence, it is gratifying to note that Professor Seymour chaired an American Chemical Society Symposium focusing on the contributions of these pioneers and that Kluwer Academic Publishers has published the proceedings of this important symposium. H.Mark v DEDICATION This book on Pioneers in Polymer Science is dedicated to Nobel Laureate Polymer Scientists Hermann Staudinger, Emil Fischer, Herman Mark, Paul J. Flory, Linus Pauling, Carl S. Marvel, M. Polanyi, Giulio Natta, Karl Ziegler, and Bruce Merrifield as well as to those pioneers such as J.C. Patrick, Robert Thomas, William Sparks, Maurice Huggins, Qtto Bayer, Leo Baekeland, Anselm Payer, Roger Boyer, Waldo Semon, Robert Banks, J.P. Hogan, and other pioneers who, to a large degree, were responsible for the development of the world's second largest industry. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The editor appreciates the contribution of co-authors Herman Mark, C.H. Fisher, and G. Alan Stahl who co chaired the Symposium on Pioneers in Polymer Science at the National Meeting of the American Chemical Society at Seattle, WA in 1984 and who contributed a chapter in this book. The editor is particularly grateful to Mischa Thomas who typed this manuscript.

`Written by practitioners immersed in the field of polymer science, the book will be welcomed for both reading and reference.'
Beckman Center News, 1990

1 Pre-Twentieth Century Polymer Pioneers.- Abstract.- References.- 2 Development of a Modern Polymer Theory.- Abstract.- A New Concept-Colloidal Substances.- Rubber.- Staudinger and a New Theory.- A Stormy Decade.- References.- Supplemental Reading.- 3 Remembering the Early Days of Polymer Science.- Abstract.- Three Milestones.- 4 The Katz Effect on the Random Coil Model for Polymer Chains.- Abstract.- Early Ideas of Polymer Chain Shape.- The Random Coil.- References.- 5 Anselm Payen Pioneer in Natural Polymers and Industrial Chemistry.- Abstract.- Payen's Investigations of Natural Polymers.- Payen: Technologist and Chemical Manufacturer.- Life and Career of Anselm Payen.- References.- 6 Emil Fischer Pioneer in Monomer and Polymer Science.- Abstract.- Emil Fischer's Life.- Emil Fischer's Research.- Fischer's Son.- Emil's Last Years.- References.- 7 The Development of Thermosets by Lee Baekeland and other Early 20th Century Chemists.- Abstract.- Early Developments in Thermosetting Plastics.- Phenolic Resins.- Amino Resins.- Polyester Resins.- Epoxy Resins.- Thermoset Chemistry.- Baekeland Outside the Laboratory.- References.- 8 Hermann Staudinger Father of Modern Polymer Science.- Abstract.- Hermann Staudinger.- Classical Organic Chemist.- New Concepts, New Vistas.- Impact.- Honors and Awards.- 9 JC Patrick Father of American Synthetic Elastomers.- Abstract.- Biographical Data.- The Invention of Thiokol.- Exodus from Kansas City.- Large Scale Production.- Liquid Thiokol.- Conclusions.- References.- 10 Waldo Lionsbury Semon Pioneer in PVC.- References.- 11 Raymond F Boyer Thermoplastic Pioneer.- References.- 12 Wallace Hume Carothers Innovator, Motivator, Pioneer.- Abstract.- Prologue.- Developing Years.- Discovery.-Recognition and Closure.- References.- 13 Herman F Mark Father of Polymer Education.- Abstract.- References.- 14 Pauling on Mark.- 15 Paul J Flory Nobel Laureate and Polymer Scientist.- Abstract.- References.- 16 Carl S Marvel The Grand Old Gentleman of Polymer Science.- Abstract.- References.- 17 William Joseph Sparks Co-Inventor of Butyl Rubber.- Abstract.- Table I US Synthetic Rubber Production.- William Joseph Sparks: Creative Inventor and Statesman for Science.- William J Sparks Honors.- References.- 18 Robert M Thomas Co-Inventor of Butyl Rubber.- Abstract.- 19 Maurice Loyal Huggins A Pioneer in Solution Theory.- Abstract.- 20 Karl Ziegler, Father of High Density Polyethylene.- Abstract.- References.- 21 Giulio Natta A Pioneer in Polypropylene.- Abstract.- References.- 22 Otto Bayer Father of Polyurethanes.- Abstract.- References.- 23 John P Hogan and Robert Banks Inventors of Linear Polyolefins.- References.- 24 Modern Pioneers in Plastics, Fibers, Inorganic Polymers, Elastomer, and Engineering Polymers.- Herman Alexander Bruson.- Arthur Maynard Bueche.- Peter Joseph William Debye.- James Economy.- Carlton Ellis.- Daniel Wayne Fox.- Charles Goodyear.- John Gough.- Ernst Alfred Hauser.- Roelof Houwink.- Stephanie L Kwolek.- R Bruce Merrifield.- Paul W Morgan.- Iwan Iwanowitch Ostromislensky.- Roy Plunkett.- Eugene George Rochow.- Paul Schlack.- Charles Sadron.- George Stafford Whitby.- Conclusion.- Name Index. sucht jetzt für Sie die besten Angebote ...


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