A Pagan Empire Within East-Central Europe, 1295 1345
S. C. Rowell, Rowell S. C.
Cambridge University Press
A study of the rise of a pagan state in late medieval Christendom against a background of crises in Europe.
From 1250 to 1795 Lithuania covered a vast area of eastern and central Europe. Until 1387 the country was pagan. How this huge state came to expand, defend itself against western European crusaders and play a conspicuous part in European life are the main subjects of this book, first published in 1994.
Introduction; 1. Central and eastern Europe, 1290-1320; 2. Sources; 3. An introduction to Lithuanian political and economic history before 1315; 4. The expansion of Lithuania; 5. Political ramifications of the pagan cult; 6. The Metropolitanate of Lithuania; 7. Pagans, peace, and the pope, 1322-84; 8. The harshest realpolitik; 9. 1339-45: endings and beginnings; 10. Factors contributing to the formation of the Grand Duchy; Appendices.
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