Kartonierter Einband
Update To The Social Psychology Of Creativity
Teresa M. Amabile
This book preserves the original content and provides some insight into recent developments in the social psychology of creativity. It begins to study the ways in which social factors can serve to maintain creativity and cognitive mechanisms by which motivation might have an impact on creativity.
Preface to the Updated Edition -- Preface to the 1983 Edition -- Understanding and Assessing Creativity -- The Case for a Social Psychology of Creativity -- The Meaning and Measurement of Creativity -- A Consensual Technique for Creativity Assessment -- A Theoretical Framework -- Social and Environmental Influences -- Effects of Evaluation on Creativity -- Effects of Reward and Task Constraint -- Social Facilitation, Modeling, and Motivational Orientation -- Other Social and Environmental Influences -- Implications -- Implications for Enhancing Creativity -- Toward a Comprehensive Psychology of Creativity -- About the Book and Author -- Credits
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