Regional Growth and Regional Policy Within the Framework of European Integration

Regional Growth and Regional Policy Within the Framework of European Integration

Kartonierter Einband
Proceedings of a Conference on the Occasion of 25 Years Institute for Regional Research at the University of Kiel 1995
Physica-Verlag HD
Anzahl Seiten:

The twenty-fifth anniversary of the Institute for Regional Research (Institut for Regionalforschung) was celebrated by an international conference on "Regional Growth and Regional Policy within the Framework of European Integration". We are happy to be able to present the outcome of that conference in this volume. Its authors reflect the Institute's international character. Their contributions char­ acterize main fields of interest of the Institute's research staff. The Institute for Regional Research is an establishment of the Economic and So­ cial Science Faculty (Wirtschafts-und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultiit) at Chris­ tian-Albrechts-University in Kiel, one of the faculty's four institutes of economics. It began as an initiative of Reimut 10chimsen. He wanted to upgrade regional re­ search and planning at the university because at the faculty level this field was only a minor province. As further justification for the foundation of an institute, 10chimsen referred to the growing international and national significance of re­ gional research and especially of regional structural policy. The need for an auto­ nomous institute in the north of Germany was emphasized above all, particularly since regional science in the Federal Republic of Germany in the late sixties was largely limited to the universities in Freiburg, Karlsruhe and MOnster.

Regional Science in Germany From the Beginnings to the Present .- 1 The Early Roots.- 2 The Quantum Leap to Regional Science.- 3 The Main Fields of Emphasis in German Regional Research.- 4 Regional Science at the Time of the IfR's Foundation.- 5 Regional Development with Changing Perspectives.- 6 Current Challenges to Regional Science.- 7 European Economic and Monetary Union.- 8 Deepening and Widening the EU.- 9 New Visions.- Economic Integration and the Space Economy: Lessons from New Theory.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Growth Theory.- 3 Location Theory.- 4 Final Remarks.- Testing Models, Describing Reality or Neither? Convergence and Divergence of Regional Growth Rates in Europe during the 1980s.- 1 Introduction.- 2 The Convergence/Divergence Debate.- 3 Test or Measure?.- 4 The Present Approach.- 5 The Definition of Region.- 6 The Model.- 7 The Results.- 8 Discussion and Conclusions.- The Regional Economic Structure of the European Union: an Analysis of Long-Term Developments.- 1 Introduction, Summary and Conclusions.- 2 Simple Indicators.- 3 Composite Indicators.- 4 Ways of Improvement.- The Role of the Regions in the European Union The Future of the Committee of the Regions.- 1 Abstract.- 2 Introduction.- 3 Evolution of EU Regional Policy.- 4 Regional Policy of the European Union.- 5 Regional Policy or a Policy of the Regions.- 6 The Committee of the Regions.- 7 Other Forms of Regional Participation.- 8 The Future of the Committee of the Regions.- 9 The Future Role of the Regions.- Regional Policy and Federalism in the Process of International Integration.- 1 Introduction.- 2 The Internationalisation Process of Firms.- 3 The Microeconomic Characteristics of a Network.- 4 Federalism and a New Market Oriented Regional Industrial Policy.- 5 Federalismand the Network Paradigm.- 6 Conclusions.- Inequalities and Mobility in the Danish Welfare State.- 1 Summary.- 2 Small Differences.- 3 The Development.- 4 Localization and Commuting.- 5 Concentration of Trade and Industry.- 6 Regression Analysis of Geographic Patterns.- 7 Conclusion.- Considering Regional Effects of Transport Infrastructure Investments in Privately Financed Projects.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Public and Private Interest in the Transport Infrastructure.- 3 Need for Private Investment Capital.- 4 The Conventional Scheme of Planning Large Infrastructure Projects.- 5 Alternative Schemes for the Planning Process and for the Investment Appraisal.- 6 Assessment of Regional Effects.- 7 Project Appraisal and the Financing Scheme.- 8 Conclusion.- Institute for Regional Research Publications since 1993. sucht jetzt für Sie die besten Angebote ...


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