Kartonierter Einband
Lectures on Human Value
Cambridge University Press
A prestigious series of lectures that are international and intercultural, and transcend ethnic, national, religious, and ideological distinctions.
Established to reflect upon the scholarly and scientific learning relating to human values, the Tanner Lectures on Human Values is the annual publication of lectures given at various universities around the world. This first volume, originally published in 1980, explores valuation on many levels of our physical and intellectual environments.
The Tanner Lectures on Human Values; The founding trustees; The advisory commission; Preface to Volume I; 1. The search for an environmental ethic Eric Ashby; 2. Comparative social theory Edward O. Wilson; 3. The limits of objectivity Thomas Nagel; 4. Three worlds Karl Popper; 5. Moral conflicts R. M. Hare; 6. Equality of what? Amartya Sen; 7. Voluntary euthanasia and the inalienable right to life Joel Feinberg.
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