Valuing older people

Valuing older people

Kartonierter Einband
Sozialwissenschaften, Recht & Wirtschaft
Policy Press
Anzahl Seiten:

Ricca Edmondson (died June 2021) was educated in Lancaster and Oxford. After research at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin, she is now senior lecturer in the National University of Ireland, Galway. Her teaching and research focus on the sociology of wisdom and the life course, ethnographic methods, intercultural understanding, rhetorical argument and the history of political thought. Hans-Joachim von Kondratowitz was educated in Berlin, Saarbrücken and Washington University, before working in Munich and Kassel. He is now a senior researcher at the German Centre of Gerontology in Berlin. His interests include international long-term care arrangements, older people and family migration, welfare state and welfare cultures, cultural definitions of ageing, and community projects on ageing.

How can we understand older people as real human beings, value their wisdom, and appreciate that their norms and purposes both matter in themselves and are affected by those of others? Using a life-course approach this book argues that the complexity and potential creativity of later life demand a humanistic vision of older people and ageing.

Part one: Meaning, religion and beyond: Religious belonging and spiritual questioning: a European perspective on ageing and religion ~ Peter Coleman; Integrating the sacred in creative ageing ~ Michele Dillon; Atheist convictions, Christian beliefs or "keeping things open"? Patterns of worldviews among three generations in East German families ~ Monika Wohlrab-Sahr; Spirituality: a means for achieving integration in personal and community spheres in an ageing Singapore ~ Kalyani Mehta; Beyond dialogue: entering the fourth space in old age ~ Haim Hazan; Part two: Social norms and the labyrinth of ageing: Norms, values and ageing in europe ~ Hans-Joachim von Kondratowitz; Pension systems and the challenge of population ageing: what does the public think? ~ Dina Frommert, Dirk Hofaecker, Thorsten Heien and Hans-Jurgen AndreA ; Filial obligations or filial independence: competing family values in a European perspective ~ Svein Olav Daatland; The ethos of care and environment and its impact on continuity of life for older people in residential care ~ Adelina Cooney and Katherine Murphy; Engineering substantially prolonged human life-spans: biotechnological enhancement and ethics ~ Peter Derkx; Part three: Struggling for a language for creative older age: Varieties of wisdom and their relations to ageing ~ Ricca Edmondson; Moral frameworks and religious values in the lives of older people ~ Carmel Gallagher; Does eldership mean anything in the contemporary west? ~ James Nichol; 'Woo-hoo, what a ride!' older people, life stories and active ageing ~ Laura Warren and Amanda Clarke; Talk about old age, health and morality ~ Outi Jolanki. sucht jetzt für Sie die besten Angebote ...


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