Music that works

Music that works

Kartonierter Einband
Contributions of biology, neurophysiology, psychology, sociology, medicine and musicology
Springer Vienna
Anzahl Seiten:

Many different disciplines are analyzing the impact of music today. How and why this ancient cultural asset molds, empowers and makes use of us can only become apparent in a synopsis and exchange involving scientific research. With this perspective as its foundation, the conference "Mozart and Science" extended invitations to the first interdisciplinary and international dialogue between the social and physical sciences about the effects of music. This book is based on the results of that congress. It contains contributions penned by leading scientists from around the world belonging to diverse music science disciplines and in particular covers psycho-physiological, neuro-developmental and cognitive aspects associated with the experience of music. Additional essays provide insights into research conducted about how music is applied in therapy and medicine.

Contemplating the effect of music extensively and interdisciplinary

Roland Haas, PhD, theatrical advisor, festival director, author and lecturer, former rector of the University Mozarteum, Salzburg, revived research into the effects of music in Austria with the research network "Man and Musicâ" of the Salzburg Universities from 2001, supported by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture. He is president of the "I.M.A.R.A.A." International Music and Art Research Association Austria which has initiated the Mozart&Science conferences focused on the current state of interdisciplinary music effect research, both nationally and internationally.

Vera Brandes' first career was as a concert promoter, independent music industry entrepreneur and renowned music producer. As a psychologist and music and media effect researcher, she is director of the Research Program for MusicMedicine at the Paracelsus Medical University, Salzburg, Austria, member of the board of the I.M.A.R.A.A., international program coordinator of Mozart&Science and member of the founder`s board of the International Association for Music and Medicine (IAMM).

Introduction: Music that works.- Sonification: listen to brain activity.- Chronobiology as a foundation for and an approach to a new understanding of the influence of music.- Music as medicine: incorporating scalable music-based interventions into standard medical practice.- A perspective on evidence-based practice.- The audio-vocal system in song and speech development.- The significance of exposure to music for the formation and stabilisation of complex neuronal relationship matrices in the human brain: implications for the salutogenetic effects of intervention by means of music therapy.- Music and the self.- Neural substrates of processing syntax and semantics in music.- A City Upon a Hill: making scientific progress in brain-based music research in typical development, autism and other disorders.- The rhythm of the heart the tempus of music Mozart, Ligeti and the Rat.- Music and child neurology: a developmental perspective.- Prenatal experience and the phylogenesis and ontogenesis of music.- Music and the evolution of human brain function.- Clinical applications of music therapy in neurologic rehabilitation.- Human biochronology: on the source and functions of 'musicality'.- A study of synchronisation behaviour in a group of test persons during Baksy and Dhikr exercises via psycho-physiological monitoring.- Resonance and silence the significance in medicine.- Emotion modulation by means of music and coping behaviour.- Identifying the effectiveness of a music-based auditory stimulation method, on children with sensory integration and auditory processing concerns: a pilot study.- Music as a medicine: incorporating music into standard hospital care. sucht jetzt für Sie die besten Angebote ...


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