Understanding the New Anti-Feminism
Springer International Publishing
Gender Hate Online addresses the dynamic nature of misogyny: how it travels, what technological and cultural affordances support or obstruct this and what impact reappropriated expressions of misogyny have in other cultures. It adds significantly to an emergent body of scholarship on this topic by bringing together a variety of theoretical approaches, while also including reflections on the past, present, and future of feminism and its interconnections with technologies and media. It also addresses the fact that most work on this area has been focused on the Global North, by including perspectives from Pakistan, India and Russia as well as intersectional and transcultural analyses. Finally, it addresses ways in which women fight back and reclaim online spaces, offering practical applications as well as critical analyses.This edited collection therefore addresses a substantial gap in scholarship by bringing together a body of work exclusively devoted to this topic. With perspectives from a variety of disciplines and geographic bases, the volume will be of major interest to scholars and students in the fields of gender, new media and hate speech.Debbie Ging is Associate Professor of Media Studies in the School of Communications at Dublin City University, Ireland.Eugenia Siapera is Associate Professor of Digital and Social Media and Deputy Director of the Institute for Future Media and Journalism in the School of Communications at Dublin City University, Ireland.
Debbie Ging is Associate Professor of Media Studies in the School of Communications at Dublin City University, Ireland. Eugenia Siapera is Associate Professor of Digital and Social Media and Deputy Director of the Institute for Future Media and Journalism in the School of Communications at Dublin City University, Ireland.
Gender Hate Online addresses the dynamic nature of misogyny: how it travels, what technological and cultural affordances support or obstruct this and what impact reappropriated expressions of misogyny have in other cultures. It adds significantly to an emergent body of scholarship on this topic by bringing together a variety of theoretical approaches, while also including reflections on the past, present, and future of feminism and its interconnections with technologies and media. It also addresses the fact that most work on this area has been focused on the Global North, by including perspectives from Pakistan, India and Russia as well as intersectional and transcultural analyses. Finally, it addresses ways in which women fight back and reclaim online spaces, offering practical applications as well as critical analyses.This edited collection therefore addresses a substantial gap in scholarship by bringing together a body of work exclusively devoted to this topic. With perspectives from a variety of disciplines and geographic bases, the volume will be of major interest to scholars and students in the fields of gender, new media and hate speech.Debbie Ging is Associate Professor of Media Studies in the School of Communications at Dublin City University, Ireland.Eugenia Siapera is Associate Professor of Digital and Social Media and Deputy Director of the Institute for Future Media and Journalism in the School of Communications at Dublin City University, Ireland.
Gender Hate Online addresses the dynamic nature of misogyny: how it travels, what technological and cultural affordances support or obstruct this and what impact reappropriated expressions of misogyny have in other cultures. It adds significantly to an emergent body of scholarship on this topic by bringing together a variety of theoretical approaches, while also including reflections on the past, present, and future of feminism and its interconnections with technologies and media. It also addresses the fact that most work on this area has been focused on the Global North, by including perspectives from Pakistan, India and Russia as well as intersectional and transcultural analyses. Finally, it addresses ways in which women fight back and reclaim online spaces, offering practical applications as well as critical analyses.This edited collection therefore addresses a substantial gap in scholarship by bringing together a body of work exclusively devoted to this topic. With perspectives from a variety of disciplines and geographic bases, the volume will be of major interest to scholars and students in the fields of gender, new media and hate speech.
1. Introduction (Debbie Ging and Eugenia Siapera)Part I. Theorising the New Anti-Feminism(s)2. Online Misogyny as Witch Hunt: Primitive Accumulation in the Age of Technocapitalism (Eugenia Siapera)3. Bros v. Hos: Postfeminism, Anti-Feminism and the Toxic Turn in Digital Gender Politics (Debbie Ging)4. Mera Internet, Meri Marzi: Alternative Imaginings of Consent in Pakistani Online Spaces (Nighat Dad and Shmyla Khan)Part II. Manifestations of Online Misogyny: Case studies of different platforms and cultural contexts5. Convergence on Common Ground: MRAs, Memes and Transcultural Contexts of Digital Misogyny (MacKenzie Cockerill)6. Black or Feminist: The Intersections of Misogyny, Race and Anti-Feminist Rhetoric Pertaining to the Bill Cosby Allegations (Sarah Anne Dunne)7. Cruel Intentions and Social Conventions: Locating the Shame in Revenge Porn (Rikke Amundsen)8. Hell Hath No Fury.: Gendered Reactions to the Cosby Mistrial Across Liberal and Conservative News Media Sites (Francine Banner)Part III. Responses/resistance/experiences9. Animating Feminist Anger: Economies of Race and Gender in Reaction GIFs (Rachel Kuo)10. Politics of #LoSha: Using Naming and Shaming as a Feminist Tool on Facebook (Arpita Chakraborty)11. Affective Resistance Against Online Misogyny and Homophobia on the RuNet (Tetyana Lokot)12. Feminist Tinder: Young Women Talk Back to Harassment Online (Laura Brightwell)13. Should I Even Be Writing This?: Public Narratives and Resistance to Online Harassment (Jasmine Linbarry and Bianca Batti)
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