Kartonierter Einband
Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung. Beihefte 57
Duncker & Humblot GmbH
Das kirchliche Strafmittel des Lokalinterdikts im Sinne eines temporären Seelsorgeentzugs in einem bestimmten Gebiet (Kirche, Stadt, Diözese, Herrschaftsterritorium) nahm neben der Exkommunikation seit dem Hochmittelalter eine zentrale Rolle im kirchlichen Sanktionsarsenal ein. Der spirituelle Ausnahmezustand gehörte fest zum Erfahrungshorizont des vormodernen Europäers. Der Sammelband erschließt erstmals europäisch vergleichend das analytische Potenzial des Interdikts als spezifisch vormodernes Querschnittsphänomen, das gleichermaßen kirchen-, rechts- und allgemein historische Perspektiven eröffnet.
»The Interdict in Premodern Europe« The local interdict in the sense of a temporary deprivation of pastoral care and sacramental rites within a specific territory (church, town, diocese, dominion) played, alongside excommunication, a crucial part within the arsenal of ecclesiastical sanctions. From the High Middle Ages to the 17th century, the interdict formed an integral part of how the practices of liturgy and piety were experienced in Latin Europe. Additionally, this widespread mode of ecclesiastic penal practice contained a particular potential for conflicts. Interdicts evoked an ominous test of loyalty and conscience within each and every believer which provoked desired (putting pressure upon authorities) and undesired scenarios of possible reaction (heresy, religious obstinacy). This volume extrapolates the analytic potential of the interdict as a specifically pre-modern cross-sectional phenomenon in the scope of a trans-European comparison, uncovering even-handedly ecclesiastical, legal and socio-historical perspectives.
Tobias Daniels studied history, Italian and German at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum. In 2012, he received his PhD with a thesis on a learned jurist at the Universities of Innsbruck and Pavia, and in 2018 he completed his habilitation in Medieval History and Auxiliary Sciences at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich with a thesis on the Pazzi conspiracy as a political scandal and its European resonances. He was a research assistant at the Bibliotheca Hertziana, Max Planck Institute for Art History, Rome, and held visiting professorships in Trier and Zurich. His research has focused on humanism and the Renaissance in a European perspective; social and institutional history of church and kingship; connections between art, economy and politics. Christian Jaser studied History and Latin Philology of the Middle Ages in Munich and Berlin. In 2011, he received his PhD on medieval rituals of excommunication, and in 2019 he completed his habilitation thesis on fifteenth- and early sixteenth-century urban sport cultures in Italy and Germany. Since 2020 he is professor of medieval history and auxiliary sciensces of history at the University of Klagenfurt. His main fields of study are the history of medieval ecclesiastical sanctions, cultures of conflict in the Middle Ages and late medieval urban history in Italy and Germany. Thomas Woelki studied law, history and Romance studies in Berlin and Caen 1996-2005, received his Ph.D in medieval history in 2010 and is currently a research assistant in Medieval History at the Humboldt University in Berlin. He is editor of the Acta Cusana. His research interests and publications focus on late medieval church and council history, the history of Roman and canon law in the Middle Ages, and the life of Nicholas of Cusa.
Tobias Daniels, Christian Jaser und Thomas Woelki: Einleitung: Das Interdikt in der europäischen Vormoderne zwischen Kirchenrecht, sozialer Alltagspraxis und publizistischer Polemik I. Das Interdikt als Forschungsproblem Peter D. Clarke: The Interdict in Past and Current Historiography: Perspectives and Preoccupations Johannes Helmrath: Das Interdikt im späteren Mittelalter II. Das Interdikt als kanonistisches Problem Kerstin Hitzbleck: Facta relaxatione interdicti, deridebant presbyteros celebrantes. Das Interdikt im Spätmittelalter als Katalysator individueller Gewissensentscheidungen Romedio Schmitz-Esser: O quam horrificum? Der Diskurs um die Bestattung und das Interdikt vor Innozenz III. Katharina Ulrike Mersch: Das Interdikt kritisieren und umgehen legitime und illegitime Maßnahmen geistlicher Gemeinschaften vornehmlich im ausgehenden 12. Jahrhundert Bernardo Pieri: Sacrilegious Was the Thief or A Nonenforceable Interdict Because of an Arrest Inside a Church (Paolo da Castro in the Last of his Consilia) Thomas Woelki: Cusanus und das Interdikt. Norm und Praxis Giovanni Chiodi: L'interdetto al crocevia della modernità: il commento di Diego de Covarrubias al c. Alma mater III. Städtische Interdikte zwischen Observanz und Widerstand Frederik Keygnaert: The Urban Interdict in the Church Province of Reims (c. 1090 c. 1140): Causes and Consequences Christian Jaser: Unheiliges Köln? Interdikte über die Stadt Köln und ihre Bewältigung im Kontext erzbischöflich-städtischer Auseinandersetzungen (1250-1350) Luca Demontis: Civitatem interdicto ecclesiastico subiacere. Raimondo della Torre e l'arma dell'interdetto (1266-1299) Vicente Pons Alós: La ciudad bajo interdicto. Conflictos entre Iglesia y poder civil en la diócesis de Valencia (ss. XIV-XVI) Uwe Israel: Altera Roma? Die Folgen von Exkommunikation und Interdikt im mittelalterlichen Venedig IV. Das Interdikt als publizistischer Streitfall Carlos de Ayala Martínez: El Interdictum ecclesiástico en los reinos de León y Castilla hasta el IV Concilio de Letrán Martin Kaufhold: Der publizistische Kampf um das Interdikt gegen Ludwig den Bayern (1324-1347) Tobias Daniels: Florenz und das Interdikt 1478-1480 Massimo Rospocher: Die Medialisierung des Interdikts Jaska Kainulainen: Paolo Sarpo and the Interdict of Venice, 1606-1607
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