Zur Durchsetzung internationaler jugendstrafrechtlicher Mindeststandards.
Duncker & Humblot GmbH
21001 Auflage 1. Auflage
Die wenigen internationalen jugendstrafrechtlichen Mindeststandards, die Rechte jugendlicher Straftäter*innen beinhalten, werden auf nationaler Ebene oftmals nicht eingehalten. Um diese Missstände zu beheben, empfiehlt Jana Hinz positive Sanktionen und entwirft das Modell eines Internationalen Gerichtshofes für Kinderrechte, der internationale Gesetze zum Jugendstrafrecht effektiv durchsetzen könnte.
»Old enough to Commit a Crime Old enough to do the Time? On the Implementation of International Minimum Standards for Juvenile Justice«: The few international minimum standards for juvenile justice, which contain rights of juvenile offenders, are often not implemented into national law. To remedy these shortcomings, Jana Hinz recommends positive sanctions and outlines the model of an International Court for Children's Rights, that could enforce international law on juvenile justice effectively.
Jana Hinz completed her law studies with a specialisation in international law at the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz in 2016. She did her LL.M. in international law at the University of Glasgow and worked at the International Criminal Court in The Hague for six months. From 2017 until 2021 she worked as a research assistant at the chair for criminal law and criminal procedural law of Prof. Dr. Volker Erb. Since 2020, she undergoes her legal clerkship at the district court Wiesbaden. Jana Hinz earned her doctorate in 2020 and received the Peregrinus-Award for her doctoral thesis.
»Old enough to Commit a Crime - Old enough to do the Time? On the Implementation of International Minimum Standards for Juvenile Justice«: The few international minimum standards for juvenile justice, which contain rights of juvenile offenders, are often not implemented into national law. To remedy these shortcomings, Jana Hinz recommends positive sanctions and outlines the model of an >International Court for Children's Rights
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