Management Between Strategy and Finance

Management Between Strategy and Finance

Fester Einband
The Four Seasons of Business
Burkhard Schwenker, Klaus Spremann
Springer-Verlag GmbH
2009. 2009
Anzahl Seiten:

This book analyzes two opposing currents in business thinking: the tug of war between strategic and financial considerations. It dissects their differences and develops an approach that reconciles the two conflicting schools of thought.

Companies' decision-making and planning systems find themselves in a constant tug of war between strategic and financial considerations. The authors analyze these two opposing currents in business thinking, dissecting their differences and identifying their best practices. They also develop an approach that reconciles the two conflicting schools of thought without watering down their differences. Schwenker und Spremann argue that both strategic and financial perspectives can serve as a compass in management's decision-making processes: Which perspective to choose depends on the phase of business. The authors distinguish four phases in the company lifecycle phases in which the business must find the proper position, develop, grow and, ultimately, earn. In the first two phases, strategic considerations should take priority; in the latter two phases, financial considerations rule the day.

The key advantage of this book is that it provides a solid and well-argued overview of the two schools of thought, strategic and financial thinking Indicates a path through the conflict between financial and strategic thinking Written by a top-manager and a well-known scientist Includes supplementary material:

Prof. Dr. Klaus Spremann ist Direktor am Schweizerischen Institut für Banken und Finanzen (seit 1990). Er studierte Mathematik an der TU München: 1972 Dipl.-Math., 1973 Promotion zum Dr.rer.nat.; Habilitation 1975 an der wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Karlsruhe. Von 1977-90 war SPREMANN Professor für Wirtschaftswissenschaften im Studiengang Wirtschaftsmathematik an der Universität Ulm. Gastprofessuren an der University of British Columbia in Vancouver B.C. (1982), der National Taiwan University in Taipeh (1987), der Universität Innsbruck (2004). Zwei Jahre (1993-94) HongkongBank Professor of International Finance an der University of Hong Kong.

Basic Principles.- Market or Firm?.- Resources.- Transfer Pricing.- Think Strategically.- Think Financially.- The Four Seasons Of Business.- Establish the Basics and Choose a Position.- Develop and Build.- Grow.- Earn.- The Four Seasons of Business An Afterword.- The Art of Balance A Closing Remark.- The Tug of War.- Management Between Strategy and Finance. sucht jetzt für Sie die besten Angebote ...


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