

Der Cuccina-Zyklus
Bildende Kunst
Sandstein Kommunikation
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A view into the book you can find under "" Veronese. The Cuccina Cycle Alongside Titian and Tintoretto, Paolo Caliari, known as Veronese, is the most important representative of Venetian Renaissance painting. The Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden are home to one of his major works, the so-called Cuccina Cycle. Veronese created this series of four large oil paintings, probably around 1571, on commission from the Cuccina merchant family for their palazzo on the Grand Canal in Venice. The realistic depictions, detailed and rich in figures, are of outstanding artistic quality, and characterized by a solemn mood. This volume presents the very complex and research-intensive restoration (20132017), and the new insight gained through scientific methods of analysis. Thus, for instance, it is now possible to determine the colors used by Veronese, including the precious Mexican cochineal. X-ray and infrared images, as well as cross-sections extend opportunities for exciting explorations below the surface and make the artist's painting process visible. On the basis of thorough research in, among other places, Venetian archives and libraries, it was possible to clarify the dating of the paintings, as well as their former hanging. An insight into the painter's working process is offered by the only two Veronese sketches for the Cuccina Cycle to have come down to us. In a portrait by Veronese now held by the Alte Pinakothek in Munich, the commissioner's wife, Zuanna Cuccina, can be identified. Moreover, this volume sheds light on the comprehensive reception history of the painting cycle for the first time. Alongside the exhibition catalog, it makes available a comprehensive art historical monograph on the Cuccina cycle.

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Veronese gilt gemeinsam mit Tizian und Tintoretto als der bedeutendste Vertreter der venezianischen Renaissancemalerei. Dresden besitzt mit dem »Cuccina-Zyklus« ein Hauptwerk dieses Künstlers. Nach einer langjährigen Restaurierung konnten die vier großformatigen Werke jetzt wieder der Öffentlichkeit zurückgeben werden. Der einzigartige Bestand an Werken von Veronese und seiner Werkstatt in der Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister erhielt somit sein Herz zurück.
Seit seiner Ankunft an der Elbe 1746 gehört der »Cuccina-Zyklus« zu den ständig ausgestellten Werken. Die Teilschließung der Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister im Zuge der Sanierung bot die Chance, den Zyklus aus der Dauerausstellung herauszunehmen und erstmalig als Ganzes einer grundlegenden Restaurierung zu unterziehen. sucht jetzt für Sie die besten Angebote ...


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