Encyclopedia of Modern Coral Reefs, 2 Teile

Encyclopedia of Modern Coral Reefs, 2 Teile

Fester Einband
Structure, Form and Process
Springer-Verlag GmbH
Anzahl Seiten:

Coral reefs around the world are experiencing a high amount of stress, largely because of climate change and its damaging effects on water temperatures, sea levels and ocean acidification. This encyclopedia covers everything about reefs since Charles Darwin first attempted to understand reef evolution. It concentrates especially on modern reefs, and because coral reefs are the largest landforms built by plants and animals, it incorporates a wide range of disciplines including geology, geography, oceanography and ecology. Aimed at scientists, researchers, governmental departments and private companies, it is the most comprehensive and up-to-date reference on the structure, form and processes operating on Quaternary coral reefs.

No equivalent publication available Presented from a geological rather than ecological angle Will be used by wide range of disciplines as well as earth scientists Coral reefs highly topical because of worldwide decline and impact of climate change (sometimes referred to as the "canaries" for climate change) Multi-national interest because of geographical extent of coral reefs and nationalities of researchers Includes supplementary material: sn.pub/extras

David Hopley is Professor Emeritus in the School of Earth and Environmental Science at James Cook University, Townsville, Queensland, where he has worked since 1965. He has an M.A. from the University of Manchester and PhD. from James Cook University. His initial research into Holocene sea levels and tropical landforms quickly focused on the evolution of coral reefs, reflecting the importance of the Great Barrier Reef to his home institution. Experience with coral reefs extends to many parts of the world including Australia, Barbados, India, Indonesia, Maldives, Papua New Guinea, Rodrigues and Thailand. He has authored and edited almost 200 scientific publications. Amongst numerous awards have been the J.P. Thomson silver medal from the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia (1984) and Life Membership of PACON International (1992), and the J.P. Thomson Silver Medal by the Duke of Kent on 15 April 2014 for his 50 years of science research to Higher Education.

Acanthaster planci. -Accommodation space. -Acropora. -Adaptation. -Aerial photography of coral reefs. -Agassiz, Alexander (1835-1910). -Airborne dust impacts. -Algae - blue green boring. -Algae - coralline. -Algae - macro. -Algal turfs on modern reefs. -Algal rims. -Antecedent platforms. -Aragonite. -Atoll islands - (motus). -Atolls. -AUVs (ROVs). -Back-stepping. -Bafflestone. -Bahamas. -Banks Island: Frasnian (Late Devonian) reefs in arctic Canada. -Banks, Joseph. -Barbados, Caribbean. -Barrier reef (ribbon reef). -Bassett edges. -Beach rock. -Belize barrier and atoll reefs. -Bermuda. -Bikini Atoll, Marshall Islands. -Binding organisms. -Bindstone. -Bioerosion. -Bioherms and Biostromes. -Bioturbation. -Blowholes. -Blue Hole. -Boat channel. -Boulder beaches. -Boulder zone/ramparts. -Brazil, Coral Reefs. -Bryozoa. -Calcite. -Calcrete/caliche. -Carbon fluxes of coral reefs. -Carbonate budgets and reef framework accumulation. -Carboniferous reefs. -Caribbean coral reefs, Southeastern. -Cay formation. -Chamisso, Albert Von (1781-1838). -Classification of carbonates. -Climate change - impact of sea level rise on reef flat zonation and productivity. -Climate change - increasing storm activity. -Climate change and coral reefs. -Cocos (Keeling) Islands. -Cold water coral reefs. -Conglomerates. -Cook, James (1728-1779). -Coral cay classification and evolution. -Coral cays - geohydrology. -Coral cays - vegetational succession. -Coral reef definition. -Coral reefs of India. -Reefs and the biology of coral skeleton formation. -Corals - environmental controls on growth. -Core plugs. -Daly, Reginald Aldworth (1871-1957). -Dana, James Dwight (1813-1895). -Darwin Point. -Darwin, Charles (1809-1882). -David, Tannant Edgeworth (1858 - 1934). -Davis, William Morris (1850 - 1935). -Density and porosity - influence on reef accretion rates. -Devonian reef complexes of the Canning Basin. -Diagenesis. -Dolomotization. -Double and triple reef fronts. -Drilling. -Earthquakes and emergenceor submergence of coral reefs. -East Indies Triangle of biodiversity. -Eastern Indian Ocean - Northern Sector. -Eastern tropical coral Pacific reefs. -Echinodermata. -Eco-morphodynamics. -Ecomorphology. -El Niño/La Nina and ENSO. -Electro mineral accretion. -Electron spin resonance dating (ESR). -Emerged reefs. -Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Islands. -Engineering and coral reefs with emphasis on Pacific reefs. -Eolianite. -Faroes reefs. -Floatstone. -Florida Keys. -FORAM Index. -Foraminifera. -Fore reef/reef front. -Fossil coralline algae. -Framestone. -Fringing reef circulation. -Fringing reefs. -Funafuti Atoll. -Gardiner, John Stanley (1872-1946). -General evolution of carbonate reefs. -Glacial control hypothesis. -Glacio-hydro isostasy. -Global ocean circulation and coral reefs. -Great Barrier Reef. -Great Barrier Reef Committee. -Halimeda. -Halimeda bioherms. -Hawaiian Emperor Volcanic Chain and coral reef history. -Heavy metal accumulation in Scleractinian corals. -Historical ecology of coral reefs. -Holocene high energy window. -Holocene reefs thickness and characteristics. -Huon Peninsula, P.N.G.. -Hydrodynamics of coral reefs systems. -Impacts of sediment on coral reefs. -Climate change Impact on coral reef coasts. -Indian Ocean reefs. -Indonesian reefs. -Infrastructure and reef islands. -Internal circulation. -Intrinsic and extrinsic drivers on coral reefs. -Lagoon circulation. -Lagoons. -Last glacial interstadials. -Last glacial low stand and shelf exposure. -Last Interglacial and reef development. -Low wooded Islands. -Lyell, Charles (1797-1875). -MacNeil, Francis Stearns (1909-1983). -Makatea. -Maldives. -Mangrove Islands. -Mangroves. -Mariana Islands, Coral reef geology. -Mass extinctions, anoxic events and ocean acidification. -Mayor, Alfred Goldsborough (1868-1922). -Megablocks. -Melwater pulses. -Micrite. -Microatoll. -Microbes. -Mid Holocene. -Midway Atoll [Hawaiian Archipelago]. -Mining/quarrying of coral reefs. -Moating. -Moats. -Molluscs. -Mururoa Atoll. -New Caledonia. -Notch and visor. -Nutrient pollution/eutrophication. -Ocean acidification - effects on calcification. -Oceanic hotspots. -Octocorallia. -Oil and gas reservoirs and coral reefs. -Ooids. -Pacific coral reefs: an introduction. -Packstone. -Palaeoclimate from corals. -Palaeosols. -Patch reefs: lidar morphometric analysis . -Permian Capitan reef system. -Persian/Arabian Gulf, coral reefs. -Peysonnel, Jean-Andre (1694-1759). -Phosphatic cay sandstone. -Plate tectonics. -Platforms (cemented). -Poleward extension of reefs. -Porites. -Porosity variability in limestone sequences. -Postglacial transgression. -Quoy, Jean Rene (1790-1869) and Gaimard, Joseph Paul (1796-1858). -Radiocarbon (14C): dating and corals. -recent sea level trends. -Red Sea and Gulf of Aqaba. -Reef balls. -Reef classification - Fairbridge (1950). -Reef classification - Hopley (1982). -Reef classification - Maxwell (1968). -Reef classification - response to sea level rise. -Reef conservation and marineprotected areas. -Reef flats. -Reefal sediments. -Reef front wave energy. -Reef interconnectivity/larval dispersal. -Reef restoration. -Reef structure. -Reef topographic complexity. -Reef typology. -Reefal microbial crusts. -Reefs at risk: map-based analyses of threats to coral reefs. -Remote sensing. -Residence time. -Reticulated reefs. -Rhodoliths. -River plumes and coral reefs. -Royal Society of London. -Rudstone. -Ryukyu Islands. -Scleractinia, evolution and taxonomy. -Sclerochronology. -Sea level changes and effects on reef growth. -Sea level indicators. -Seagrasses. -Sediment durability. -Sediment dynamics. -Sediments, properties. -Seismic reflection imaging of coral reefs. -Seismic refraction. -Shingle ridges. -Soils of low elevati…

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